(a) No later than December 1 of each year, each open-enrollment charter holder shall file under §100.1013 of this title (relating to Filing of Documents), the following information on a charter school governance reporting form approved by the commissioner of education:
(1) identifying information for and compensation of each officer and member of the governing body of the open-enrollment charter holder;
(2) identifying information for and compensation of each officer of the charter school;
(3) identifying information for and compensation of each member of the governing body of the charter school, if the charter holder has established a governing body for the charter school;
(4) identifying information for and compensation of all family members, within the third degree of consanguinity or third degree of affinity, of each board member, chief executive officer/superintendent, and chief financial officer for purposes of conflict of interest; and
(5) identifying information for and compensation of all family members, within the third degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity, of each board member and chief executive officer/superintendent for purposes of nepotism.
(b) The identifying information required for each member of the governing body of the open-enrollment charter holder, each member of the governing body of the charter school, and each chief executive officer/superintendent shall include:
(1) the title of each position held or function performed by the individual;
(2) the specific powers and duties that the governing body of the charter holder or charter school have delegated to the individual, as described by the powers and duties listed in the charter;
(3) the legal name of the individual;
(4) any aliases or names formerly used by the individual, including maiden name;
(5) a mailing address for the individual;
(6) telephone numbers and electronic mail address for the individual;
(7) the county and state in which the individual is registered to vote, if a governing body member of the charter holder or charter school;
(8) assurance that criminal records history check has been made and reported to the Texas Education Agency pursuant to §100.1151 of this title (relating to Criminal History; Restrictions on Serving).
(c) The compensation information required for an individual under subsection (a) of this section shall include all compensation, remuneration, and benefits received by the individual in any capacity from the charter holder or the charter school, or from any contractor or management company doing business with the charter holder or charter school. The compensation reported shall include without limitation:
(1) all salary, bonuses, benefits, or other compensation received pursuant to an employment relationship;
(2) all compensation received for goods or services under contract, agreement, informal arrangement, or otherwise;
(3) all payment of or reimbursement for personal expenses;
(4) all credit extended to the individual by the charter holder or charter school;
(5) the fair market value of all personal use of property paid for by the charter holder or charter school;
(6) the fair market value of all in-kind transfers of property;
(7) all compensation for goods or services provided to the charter holder through transactions unrelated to the charter school;
(8) all other forms of compensation or remuneration received by the individual from the charter holder or charter school;
(9) all forms of compensation received from a business in which a person under subsection (a) of this section has a significant interest in, pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 171; and
(10) any payment or form of compensation to an individual under subsection (a) of this section by any and all family members, within the third degree of consanguinity or third degree of affinity.
(d) No later than December 1 of each year, each open-enrollment charter holder shall file under §100.1013 of this title:
(1) a copy of any amendments or changes to the articles of incorporation and bylaws, or comparable document; and
(2) a screenshot of the names of the governing body as listed on the home page of the school's internet website, along with a screen shot of the posting of the school's superintendent's salary or, as applicable, the administrator serving as educational leader or chief executive officer.
Source Note: The provisions of this §100.1007 adopted to be effective September 18, 2014, 39 TexReg 7295