(a) Public property. An interest in real estate or personal property acquired, improved, or maintained using state funds that were received by the charter holder on or after September 1, 2001, is public property for all purposes under state law. The date on which the property was acquired, improved, or maintained is not determinative. An interest in real estate acquired, improved, or maintained using state funds that were received by the charter holder before September 1, 2001, is public property only to the extent specified by §100.1065 of this title (relating to Property Acquired with State Funds Received Before September 1, 2001--Special Rules). Where the property is acquired with federal funds, federal law may preempt this section in whole or part.
(b) Fiduciary duty respecting public property. Public property is held by the charter holder in trust for the benefit of the students of the charter school. With respect to the public property they manage, the members of the governing body of a charter holder, and the members of the governing body and officers of a charter school, are trustees under Texas law; and the students enrolled in the school are beneficiaries of a trust. Each trustee shall be held to the standard of care and fiduciary duties that a trustee owes the beneficiary of a trust under Texas law.
(c) Use of public property. Public property may be used only for a purpose for which a school district may use school district property and only to implement a program that is described in the open-enrollment charter and is consistent with Texas Education Code (TEC), §12.107.
(1) Any use or application of public property for a purpose other than implementing a program that is described in the open-enrollment charter and is consistent with TEC, §12.107, constitutes misuse and misapplication of such property, and is subject to Texas law governing misuse or misapplication of public property.
(2) The governing body of a charter holder shall adopt and enforce local policies governing the use and application of public property by its employees, agents, contractors, and management companies. The policies shall prohibit the use or application of public property for any purpose but a program described in the open-enrollment charter, except that the policies may authorize charter holder employees to use local telephone service, cellular phones, electronic mail, Internet connections, and similar public property for incidental personal use, if the policies:
(A) do not result in any direct cost paid with state funds, or the charter holder is reimbursed for any direct cost incurred;
(B) do not impede charter school functions;
(C) do not authorize incidental personal use of public property for private commercial purposes; and
(D) authorize only incidental amounts of employee time--time periods comparable to reasonable coffee breaks during the day--for personal matters.
(3) The governing body of a charter holder shall by separate vote approve any joint use of real property for charter and non-charter activities. In the minutes of the vote approving the joint use, the governing body of a charter holder shall set forth the methodology used to allocate shared costs and the percentage allocation basis between charter and non-charter activities.
(4) The members of the governing body of a charter holder, and the members of the governing body and officers of a charter school, shall authorize all uses and applications of the public property under their control, and shall not authorize any use or application that is inconsistent with the policy required by paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(5) If pursuant to TEC, §12.111(9), the daily management of public property is delegated to any person, including a management company, the members of the governing body of the charter holder, and the members of the governing body and officers of the charter school, shall remain fully responsible to authorize all uses and applications of public property and enforce the policy required by paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(6) Nothing in this section prevents a charter holder from authorizing the use of its public property by a contractor for the purpose of providing goods or services under the contract, if such use is an express contract term, factored into the price of the contract, and the contract is duly authorized by the governing body of the charter holder under this section.
(d) Ownership of public property. Public property is owned by the charter holder, regardless of the funds used to acquire it. Subject to the requirements of §100.1067 of this title (relating to Possession and Control of the Public Property of a Former Charter Holder) and this section, a charter holder retains all title to the property, exercises complete control over the property, and is entitled to all use and benefit from the property.
(e) Public property mixed with private property. Property acquired, improved, or maintained partly using state funds and partly using other funds is mixed public and private property, and is subject to all requirements of this section.
(f) Accounting for public property. Each charter holder shall include in its annual audit report an exhibit identifying the fixed assets of the charter holder and the ownership interest of all parties for all real estate and capitalized personal property presently held by the charter holder or acquired, improved, or maintained by the charter holder during the term of the open-enrollment charter.
(1) Pursuant to the requirements in §109.41 of this title (relating to Financial Accountability System Resource Guide), the annual audit report must separately disclose the cost basis and accumulated depreciation of all public property as determined by this division, and all other property held, acquired, improved, or maintained by the charter holder.
(2) Alternatively, the charter holder may omit the exhibit required by paragraph (1) of this subsection and substitute a statement, in accordance with the requirements in §109.41 of this title, that all property acquired, improved, or maintained during the term of the open-enrollment charter, and all property presently held by the charter holder, is public property under this division.
(3) All property held, acquired, improved, or maintained by the charter holder is subject to this subsection regardless whether it is public or private property.
Source Note: The provisions of this §100.1063 adopted to be effective November 6, 2001, 26 TexReg 8828; amended to be effective April 18, 2002, 27 TexReg 3110; amended to be effective September 12, 2012, 37 TexReg 7097; amended to be effective September 18, 2014, 39 TexReg 7295