(a) The Auditor must use the Department's Public Facility Corporation monitoring forms made available on the website. The review performed by the Auditor may be completed either onsite or electronically. Original records must be made available to the Auditor. The file sample used by the Auditor must contain at least twenty percent (20%) of the total number of Restricted Units for the Development, but no more than a total of fifty (50) household files. The selection of Restricted Units should primarily be new move-ins but should also include at least ten percent (10%) sample of all the household files that have recertified.
(b) The Auditor will ensure Development meets the following requirements and will identify any deficiencies found in the report:
(1) The Development has a properly recorded Regulatory Agreement with an initial minimum 10-year term.
(2) For newly constructed Developments:
(A) At least ten percent (10%) of the units in the Development are reserved for, or occupied by, households at or below sixty percent (60%) Area Median Income (AMI), adjusted for household size, as established by HUD;
(B) At least an additional forty percent (40%) of the units in the Development are reserved for, or occupied by, households at or below eighty percent (80%) AMI, adjusted for household size, as established by HUD.
(3) For occupied Developments acquired by the PFC:
(A) At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the units in the Development are reserved for, or occupied by, households at or below sixty percent (60%) AMI, adjusted for household size, established by HUD; and
(B) At least an additional forty percent (40%) of the units in the Development are reserved for, or occupied by, households at or below eighty percent (80%) AMI, adjusted for household size, as established by HUD; or
(C) The Development meets the household income restrictions set forth in §10.1104(B); and
(D) The Operator expends at least fifteen percent (15%) of the gross cost of the Development, as shown in the settlement statement, on rehabilitating, renovating, reconstructing, or repairing, the Development, with such activities commencing no later than the first anniversary of the date of acquisition, and concluding no later than the third anniversary of the date of acquisition.
(4) Monthly rent for Restricted Units may not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the imputed household income limitation for the unit, adjusted for an imputed family size of one person per bedroom plus one person, as determined by HUD. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Restricted Unit is occupied by a household with a Housing Choice Voucher, and the payment standard for that voucher is less than the monthly rent for the Restricted Unit established pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence, the household may be required to pay the difference between the payment standard and the monthly rent.
(5) The percentage of Restricted Units in each Unit Type in the Development, must be the same or greater percentage as the percentage of each Unit Type of units that are not Restricted Units in the Development.
(6) Occupants of Restricted Units are required to recertify at the time of the renewal of a lease agreement, the income of the household using a Department-approved Income Certification form. If a household exceeds the income limit at an annual income recertification, the Operator should follow the Available Unit Rule as outlined in Section 42(g)(2)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(7) The Development must affirmatively market to households participating in the Housing Choice Voucher program and local housing authorities.
(8) The PFC's website must include information about the Development and its compliance with Section 303.0425, Texas Local Government Code, along with its policies on the acceptance of Housing Choice Voucher holders.
(c) The Auditor will review the Development's form of tenant lease and leasing polices to ensure the Development meets the following requirements and will report any deficiencies found in the Audit Report:
(1) Public Facility User cannot refuse to rent to an individual or family solely because the individual or family participates in a Housing Choice Voucher program.
(2) Public Facility User cannot require a minimum income standard for families participating in a Housing Choice Voucher program that exceeds two hundred and fifty percent (250%) of the tenant portion of rent.
(3) Each residential lease agreement for a Restricted Unit must provide the following:
(A) The landlord may not retaliate against the tenant or the tenant's guests by taking action because the tenant established, attempted to establish, or participated in a tenant organization;
(B) The landlord may only choose to not renew the lease if the tenant is in material noncompliance with the lease, including nonpayment of rent; committed one or more substantial violations of the lease; failed to provide required information on the income, composition, or eligibility of the tenant's household; or committed repeated minor violations of the lease that: disrupt the livability of the Development, adversely affect the health and safety of any person or the right to quiet enjoyment of the leased premises and related Development facilities, interfere with the management of the Development, or have an adverse financial effect on the Development, including the failure of the tenant to pay rent in a timely manner.
(C) To non-renew a lease, the landlord must provide, at minimum, a thirty (30)-day written notice of non-renewal to the tenant.
(D) Tenants may not waive these protections in a lease or lease addendum.
(d) For occupied Developments acquired by a Public Facility Corporation, the Audit Report must calculate the annual savings to households living in Restricted Units (when compared to the annual rental income that would have been collected on those Restricted Units if they were charged market rate. Market rate will be determined as the highest rent charged for the same Unit Type at the Development; for Developments that do not have market rate units the Auditor must submit a proposed reasonable methodology for determining market rent. The calculated savings is required for exemption eligibility after the first anniversary of the acquisition of the Development. Total savings for rent-restricted households must be no less than sixty percent (60%) of the estimated amount of the annual ad-valorem taxes that would be imposed on the Development without an exemption.
(e) The Auditor must maintain monitoring records and papers for each Audit Report for three years, and must provide the Department and/or the Chief Appraiser a copy of their monitoring records upon request.
Source Note: The provisions of this §10.1104 adopted to be effective February 26, 2024, 49 TexReg 1070