(a) Ownership Transfer Notification. All multifamily Development Owners must provide written notice and a completed Ownership Transfer packet, if applicable, to the Department at least 45 calendar days prior to any sale, transfer, or exchange of the Development or any portion of or Controlling interest in the Development. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Executive Director's prior written approval of any such transfer is required. The Executive Director may not unreasonably withhold approval of the transfer requested in compliance with this section.
(b) Exceptions. The exceptions to the ownership transfer process in this subsection are applicable.
(1) A Development Owner shall be required to notify the Department but shall not be required to obtain Executive Director approval when the transferee is an Affiliate of the Development Owner with no new Principals or the transferee is a Related Party who does not Control the Development and the transfer is being made for estate planning purposes.
(2) Transfers that are the result of an involuntary removal of the general partner by the investment limited partner do not require advance approval but must be reported to the Department as soon as possible due to the sensitive timing and nature of this decision. In the event the investment limited partner has proposed a new general partner or will permanently replace the general partner, a full Ownership Transfer packet must be submitted.
(3) Changes to the investment limited partner, non-Controlling limited partner, or other non-Controlling partners affiliated with the investment limited partner do not require Executive Director approval. A General Partner's acquisition of the interest of the investment limited partner does not require Executive Director approval, unless some other change in ownership is occurring as part of the same overall transaction.
(4) Changes resulting from foreclosure do not require advance approval but acquiring parties must notify the Department as soon as possible of the revised ownership structure and ownership contact information.
(5) Changes resulting from a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure do not require Executive Director approval. However, advance notification must be provided to both the Department and to the tenants at least 30 days prior to finalizing the transfer. This notification must include information regarding the applicable rent/income requirements post deed in lieu of foreclosure.
(c) General Requirements.
(1) Any new Principal in the ownership of a Development must be eligible under §11.202 of Subchapter C (relating to Ineligible Applicants and Applications). In addition, Persons and Principals will be reviewed in accordance with Chapter 1, Subchapter C of this title (relating to Previous Participation and Executive Award Review and Advisory Committee).
(2) Changes in Developers or Guarantors must be addressed as non-material amendments to the application under §10.405 of this Subchapter.
(3) To the extent an investment limited partner or its Affiliate assumes a Controlling interest in a Development Owner, such acquisition shall be subject to the Ownership Transfer requirements set forth herein. Principals of the investment limited partner or Affiliate will be considered new Principals and will be reviewed as stated under paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(4) Simultaneous transfer or concurrent offering for sale of the General Partner's and Limited Partner's control and interest will be subject to the Ownership Transfer requirements set forth herein and will trigger a Right of First Refusal, if applicable.
(5) Any initial operating, capitalized operating, or replacement reserves funded with an allocation from the HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) and Special Reserves required by the Department must remain with the Development.
(d) Transfer Actions Warranting Debarment. If the Department determines that the transfer, involuntary removal, or replacement was due to a default by the General Partner under the Limited Partnership Agreement, or other detrimental action that put the Development at risk of failure or the Department at risk for financial exposure as a result of non-compliance, staff will refer the matter to the Enforcement Committee for debarment consideration pursuant to §2.401 of this title (relating to Enforcement, Debarment from Participation in Programs Administered by the Department). In addition, a record of transfer involving Principals in new proposed awards will be reported and may be taken into consideration in accordance with Chapter 1, Subchapter C of this title (relating to Previous Participation and Executive Award Review and Advisory Committee), prior to recommending any new financing or allocation of credits.
(e) Transfers Prior to 8609 Issuance or Construction Completion. Prior to the issuance of IRS Form(s) 8609 (for Housing Tax Credits) or the completion of construction (for all Developments funded through other Department programs), an Applicant may request a change to its ownership structure to add Principals. The party(ies) reflected in the Application as having Control must remain in the ownership structure and retain Control, unless approved otherwise by the Executive Director. A development sponsor, General Partner or Development Owner may not sell the Development in whole or voluntarily end their Control prior to the issuance of 8609s.
(f) Nonprofit Organizations. If the ownership transfer request is to replace a nonprofit organization within the Development ownership entity, the replacement nonprofit entity must adhere to the requirements in paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection.
(1) If the LURA requires ownership or material participation in ownership by a Qualified Nonprofit Organization, and the Development received Tax Credits pursuant to §42(h)(5) of the Code, the transferee must be a Qualified Nonprofit Organization that meets the requirements of §42(h)(5) of the Code and Tex. Gov't Code §2306.6706, if applicable, and can demonstrate planned participation in the operation of the Development on a regular, continuous, and substantial basis.
(2) If the LURA requires ownership or material participation in ownership by a nonprofit organization or CHDO, the Development Owner must show that the transferee is a nonprofit organization or CHDO, as applicable, that complies with the LURA. If the transferee has been certified as a CHDO by TDHCA prior to 2016 or has not previously been certified as a CHDO by TDHCA, a new CHDO certification package must be submitted for review. If the transferee was certified as a CHDO by TDHCA after 2016, provided no new federal guidance or rules concerning CHDO have been released and the proposed ownership structure at the time of review meets the requirements in 24 CFR Part 92, the CHDO may instead submit a CHDO Self-Certification form with the Ownership Transfer package.
(3) Exceptions to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection may be made on a case by case basis if the Development (for MFDL) is past its Federal Affordability Period or (for HTC Developments) is past its Compliance Period, was not reported to the IRS as part of the Department's Nonprofit Set Aside in any HTC Award year, and follows the procedures outlined in §10.405(b)(1) - (5) of this subchapter. The Board must find that:
(A) The selling nonprofit is acting of its own volition or is being removed as the result of a default under the organizational documents of the Development Owner;
(B) The participation by the nonprofit was substantive and meaningful during the full term of the Compliance Period but is no longer substantive or meaningful to the operations of the Development; and
(C) The proposed purchaser is an affiliate of the current Owner or otherwise meets the Department's standards for ownership transfers.
(g) Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Organizations. If a HUB is the general partner or special limited partner of a Development Owner and it determines to sell its ownership interest, after the issuance of IRS Form(s) 8609, the purchaser of that partnership interest or the general or special limited partner is not required to be a HUB as long as the LURA does not require it or the procedure described in §10.405(b)(1) of this chapter (relating to Non-Material LURA Amendments) has been followed and approved. The removal of a HUB requirement prior to filing of IRS Form(s) 8609 is subject to the procedure described in §10.405(b)(2) of this Chapter (relating to Material LURA Amendments).
(h) Documentation Required. A Development Owner must submit documentation requested by the Department to enable the Department to understand fully the facts and circumstances pertaining to the transfer and the effects of approval or denial. Documentation must be submitted as directed in the Post Award Activities Manual, which includes but is not limited to:
(1) A written explanation outlining the reason for the request;