Any potato cultivar or numbered clone brought in from out-of-state whose disease symptom expression resulting from infection with the ring rot bacterium (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. Sepedonicus) or potato leafroll virus is unknown under Texas growing conditions shall be eligible for certification under the following conditions:
(1) If test results demonstrate adequate symptom intensity, that will normally permit inspectors to visually detect the presence of these diseases under field conditions, the seed lot will be allowed to proceed through the certification process and be approved provided other requirements are met. Testing to determine disease reaction will be concurrent with field production of the cultivars or numbered clones in question. Applicants who intend to enter such stocks in the current year's certification program must provide a minimum of 75 tubers of each cultivar or numbered clone to the department by May 1st of any given growing season.
(2) In the event disease expression is totally latent or mild to the degree that prevents detection during field inspection an affidavit must be signed by the buyer that acknowledges the limitations to disease detection.
Source Note: The provisions of this §10.46 adopted to be effective November 7, 2006, 31 TexReg 8983