
Sec. 1063.118. Nonprofit Corporation.

Sec. 1063.118. NONPROFIT CORPORATION. (a) The district may create and sponsor a nonprofit corporation under the Business Organizations Code and may contribute or cause to be contributed available funds to the corporation. A corporation under this section must be a nonmember, nonstock corporation.

(b) The board of directors of the corporation shall be composed of seven district residents appointed by the district's board. The district's board may remove any director of the corporation at any time with or without cause.

(c) The corporation may use money, other than money the corporation pays to the district, only to provide or pay the costs of providing or costs related to providing indigent health care or other services the district is required or authorized to provide under the constitution or state law.

(d) The district's board shall establish controls to ensure that the corporation uses its money as required by Subsection (c).

(e) The corporation may invest the corporation's money in any manner in which the district may invest the district's money, including investing money as authorized by Chapter 2256, Government Code.

Added by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 1139 (H.B. 2619), Sec. 1.01, eff. April 1, 2011.

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