(a) Applicability. This section applies to all stationary facilities, or groups of facilities, at a site which handle gases and liquids associated with the production, conditioning, processing, and pipeline transfer of fluids or gases found in geologic formations on or beneath the earth's surface including, but not limited to, crude oil, natural gas, condensate, and produced water with the following conditions:
(1) The requirements in subsections (a) - (k) of this section are applicable only for new projects and related facilities located in the Barnett Shale (Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Erath, Hill, Hood, Jack, Johnson, Montague, Palo Pinto, Parker, Somervell, Tarrant, and Wise Counties) on or after April 1, 2011. For all other new projects and related facilities in all other counties of the state, subsection (l) of this section is applicable.
(2) Only one Oil and Gas Handling and Production Facilities permit by rule (PBR) for an oil and gas site (OGS) may be claimed or registered for each combination of dependent facilities and authorizes all facilities in sweet or sour service. This section may not be used if operationally dependent facilities are authorized by the Air Quality Standard Permit for Oil and Gas Sites, or a permit under §116.111 of this title (relating to General Application). Existing authorized facilities, or groups of facilities, at an OGS under this section which are not changing certified character or quantity of emissions must only meet subsections (i) and (k) of this section (protectiveness review and planned maintenance, startup, and shutdown (MSS) requirements) and otherwise retain their existing authorization. Except for planned MSS activities which must meet the requirements of subsection (i) of this section, any combination of dependent facilities with a permit under §116.111 of this title cannot also claim this section for any new facility, or changes to an existing facility, which handles (or is related to the processing of) crude oil, condensate, natural gas, or any other petroleum raw material, product, or by-product.
(3) This section does not relieve the owner or operator from complying with any other applicable provision of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Texas Water Code, rules of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), or any additional local, state, or federal laws or regulations. Emissions that exceed the limits in this section are not authorized and are violations.
(4) Emissions from upsets, emergencies, or malfunctions are not authorized by this section. This section does not regulate methane, ethane, or carbon dioxide.
(b) Definitions and Scope.
(1) Facility is a discrete or identifiable structure, device, item, equipment, or enclosure that constitutes or contains a stationary source. Stationary sources associated with a mine, quarry, drilling, or a well test lasting less than 72 hours are not considered facilities.
(2) Receptor includes any building which is in use as a single or multi-family residence, school, day-care, hospital, business, or place of worship at the time this section is registered. A residence is a structure primarily used as a permanent dwelling. A business is a structure that is occupied for at least eight hours a day, five days a week, and does not include businesses who are handling or processing materials as described in subsection (a) of this section. This term does not include structures occupied or used solely by the owner or operator of the OGS facility, or the mineral rights owner of the property upon which the OGS facility is located. All measurements of distance to receptors shall be taken from the emission release point at the OGS facility that is nearest to the point on the building that is nearest to the OGS facility.
(3) An OGS is defined as all facilities which meet each of the following:
(A) Located on contiguous or adjacent properties;
(B) Under common control of the same person (or persons under common control); and
(C) Designated under same two digit standard industrial classification (SIC) codes.
(4) For purposes of determining applicability of Chapter 122 of this title (relating to Federal Operating Permits Program), the definitions of §122.10 of this title (relating to General Definitions), apply.
(5) A project under this section is defined as the following and must meet all requirements of this section prior to construction or implementation of changes:
(A) Any new facility or new group of operationally dependent facilities at an OGS;
(B) Physical changes to existing authorized facilities or group of facilities at an OGS which increase the potential to emit over previously certified emission limits; or
(C) Operational changes to existing authorized facilities or group of facilities at an OGS which increase the potential to emit over previously certified emission limits.
(6) For purposes of registration under this section, the following facilities shall be included:
(A) All facilities or groups of facilities at an OGS which are operationally dependent on each other;
(B) Facilities must be located within a 1/4 mile of a project emission point, vent, or fugitive component, except for those components excluded in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph;
(C) If piping or fugitive components are the only connection between facilities and the distance between facilities exceeds 1/4 mile, then the facilities are considered separate for purposes of this registration;
(D) The boundaries of the registration become fixed at the time this section is claimed and registered. No individual facility may be authorized under more than one registration;
(E) Any facility or group of facilities authorized under an existing PBR registration which is operationally dependent on a project must be revised to incorporate the project. Existing authorized facilities, or group of facilities, at an OGS under this section which are not changing certified character or quantity of emissions must only meet subsections (i) and (k) of this section (the protectiveness review and planned MSS requirements) and otherwise retain their existing authorization; and
(F) All facilities at an OGS registered under this section must collectively emit less than or equal to 250 tons per year (tpy) of nitrogen oxides (NOX ) or carbon monoxide (CO); 15 tpy of particulate matter with less than 10 microns (PM10 ); 10 tpy of particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5 ); and 25 tpy of volatile organic compounds (VOC), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), or any other air contaminant except carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, methane, ethane, hydrogen, and oxygen.
(7) For purposes of all previous claims of this section (or any previous version of this section) where no project is occurring:
(A) existing authorized facilities, or group of facilities, at an OGS must meet only subsection (i) of this section no later than January 5, 2012; and
(B) submit a notification in accordance with subsection (f) of this section no later than January 5, 2015.
(8) For purposes of ensuring protection of public health and welfare and demonstrating compliance with applicable ambient air standards and effects screening levels (ESLs), the impacts analysis as specified in subsection (k) of this section must be completed.
(A) All impacts analysis must be done on a contaminant-by-contaminant basis for any net project increases. If a claim under this section is only for planned MSS under subsection (i) of this section, the analysis shall evaluate planned MSS scenarios only.
(B) Hourly and annual emissions shall be limited based on the most stringent of subsections (g), (h), or (k) of this section.
(c) Authorized Facilities, Changes, and Activities.
(1) For existing OGS which are authorized by previous versions of this section.
(A) A project requires registration unless otherwise specified.
(B) The following projects do not require registration, but must comply with best management practices (BMP) in subsection (e) of this section, compliance demonstrations in subsections (i) and (j) of this section, and must be incorporated into the registration at the next revision or certification:
(i) Addition of any piping, fugitive components, any other new facilities, that increase actual emissions less than or equal to 1.0 tpy VOC, 5.0 tpy NOX , 0.01 tpy benzene, and 0.05 tpy H2S over a rolling 12-month period;
(ii) Changes to any existing facilities that increase certified emissions less than or equal to 1.0 tpy VOC, 5.0 tpy NOX , 0.01 tpy benzene, and 0.05 tpy H2S over a rolling 12-month period;
(iii) Total increases over a rolling 60-month period of time that are less than or equal to 5.0 tpy VOC or NOX , 0.05 tpy benzene, or 0.1 tpy H2S;