(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Pathological waste --This term is assigned the meaning as defined in 25 TAC §1.132 (relating to Definitions)
(2) Human remains (as defined in Texas Health and Safety Code, §711.001)--The body of decedent.
(3) Embryonic and fetal tissue remains--This term is assigned the meaning as defined in Texas Health and Safety Code, §697.002. The umbilical cord, placenta, gestational sac, blood, or body fluids from the same pregnancy may be disposed of in the same manner as embryonic and fetal tissue remains in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code, §697.004.
(4) Carcasses--Dead animals, in whole or part.
(5) Crematory --A building or structure containing one or more furnaces used, or intended to be used, for the reduction (by burning) of human remains, and/or embryonic and fetal tissue remains to cremated remains.
(6) Animal feeding operations--A lot or facility (other than an aquatic animal feeding facility or veterinary facility) where animals are stabled or confined and fed or maintained for a total of 45 days or more in any 12-month period, and the animal confinement areas do not sustain crops, vegetation, forage growth, or post-harvest residues in the normal growing season.
(7) Non-commercial incinerator--An incinerator which does not accept pathological waste, embryonic and fetal tissue remains, or carcasses generated off-site for monetary compensation.
(8) Stack height--Elevation of the stack exit above the ground.
(b) Conditions of permit by rule. Crematories used for the cremation of human remains, embryonic and fetal tissue remains, and appropriate containers which meet the following conditions of this section are permitted by rule. Non-commercial incinerators used to dispose of pathological waste, embryonic and fetal tissue remains, and carcasses which meet the following conditions of this section are permitted by rule. Incinerators used in the recovery of materials are not covered by this section.
(1) Design requirements.
(A) The manufacturer's rated capacity (burn rate) shall be 200 pounds per hour (lbs/hr) or less.
(B) The incinerator shall be a dual-chamber design.
(C) Burners shall be located in each chamber, sized to manufacturer's specifications, and operated as necessary to maintain the minimum temperature requirements of subparagraphs (D) or (E) of this paragraph at all times when the unit is burning waste.
(D) Excluding crematories, the secondary chamber must be designed to maintain a temperature of 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit or more with a gas residence time of 1/2 second or more.
(E) In lieu of subparagraph (D) of this paragraph, incinerators at animal feeding operations that:
(i) are used to dispose of carcasses generated on-site; and
(ii) are located a minimum of 700 feet from the nearest property line, shall be designed to maintain a secondary chamber temperature of 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit or more with a gas residence time of 1/4 second or more. Alternatively, incinerators may be located in accordance with Table 494 of this clause, provided the total manufacturer's rated capacity (burn rate) of all units located less than 700 feet from a property line shall not exceed 200 lb/hr. Setback distances shall be measured from the stack exit.
Attached Graphic
(F) There shall be no obstructions to stack flow, such as by rain caps, unless such devices are designed to automatically open when the incinerator is operated. Properly installed and maintained spark arresters are not considered obstruction.
(2) Operational conditions.
(A) Before construction begins, the facility shall be registered with the commission using Form PI-7.
(B) The manufacturer's recommended operating instructions shall be posted at the unit and the unit shall be operated in accordance with these instructions.
(C) The opacity of emissions from the incinerator shall not exceed 5.0% averaged over a six-minute period.
(D) Heat shall be provided by the combustion of sweet natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, or Number 2 fuel oil with less than 0.3% sulfur by weight, or by electric power.
(E) Incinerators installed and operated in accordance with the conditions of this section shall not be used to dispose of any medical waste, other than pathological waste, embryonic and fetal tissue remains, and/or carcasses, as defined under subsection (a) of this section.
(F) Incinerators installed and operated in accordance with the conditions of this section shall also meet the requirements of §§111.121, 111.125, 111.127, and 111.129 of this title (relating to Single-, Dual-, and Multiple-Chamber Incinerators; Testing Requirements; Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements; and Operating Requirements).
(G) Crematories shall be used for the sole purpose of cremation of human remains, embryonic and fetal tissue remains, as well as the umbilical cord, placenta, gestational sac, blood, or body fluids in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code, §697.004, and appropriate containers.
Source Note: The provisions of this §106.494 adopted to be effective March 14, 1997, 22 TexReg 2439; amended to be effective September 1, 1999, 24 TexReg 6758; amended to be effective September 4, 2000, 25 TexReg 8653; amended to be effective July 19, 2018, 43 TexReg 4757