
Sec. 11.0131. Jurisdiction of Home-rule Cities Over Submerged Lands.


(1) "Coastline" has the meaning assigned by Section 11.013(c) of this code.

(2) "State-owned submerged lands" means the state-owned submerged lands described by Section 11.012 of this code.

(b) The boundary of a home-rule city may not extend into the gulf outside of an area that is enclosed by:

(1) for home-rule cities which have not prior to May 1, 1983, annexed gulfward from the coastline:

(A) drawing a straight line connecting the two most remote points on the part of the coastline located in the city on June 1, 1983, the distance to be measured along the coastline;

(B) drawing straight lines that extend gulfward for one marine league from each of the two ends of the line drawn under Paragraph (A) of Subdivision (1) of this subsection and that are perpendicular to the line drawn under Paragraph (A); and

(C) drawing a straight line connecting the two gulfward ends of the lines drawn under Paragraph (B) of Subdivision (1) of this subsection; or

(2) for home-rule cities which have, prior to May 1, 1983, annexed no farther than one marine league gulfward from the coastline:

(A) drawing a straight line that connects the two most remote points on the part of the coastline located in the city on June 1, 1983, and that extends through those two points as far as necessary to draw the lines described by Paragraph (B) of Subdivision (2) of this subsection;

(B) drawing two straight lines that extend gulfward for one marine league, that are perpendicular to the line drawn under Paragraph (A) of Subdivision (2) of this subsection, and that each extend through one of the two most remote points from the coastline on the boundary lines extending gulfward from the coastline;

(C) drawing a straight line connecting the two gulfward ends of the lines drawn under Paragraph (B) of Subdivision (2) of this subsection; or

(3) for home-rule cities which have, prior to May 1, 1983, annexed farther than one marine league gulfward from the coastline:

(A) drawing lines following the two current boundary lines extending gulfward from the coastline for a distance of one marine league;

(B) drawing a straight line connecting the two gulfward ends of the lines drawn under Paragraph (A) of Subdivision (3) of this subsection.

(c) A contract or agreement by which a home-rule city purports to pledge, directly or indirectly, taxes or other revenue from or attributable to state-owned submerged lands or other lands located outside the area described by Subsection (b) of this section does not create an enforceable right to prevent the reformation of the city's boundary under Subsection (d) of this section.

(d) The boundary of a home-rule city is void to the extent that it violates Subsection (b) of this section, and the boundary is reformed on the effective date of this Act to exclude the territory situated outside the area described by Subsection (b) of this section.

(e) A home-rule city may create industrial districts in the area that is outside the city limits and that is located in an area formed in the manner prescribed by Subsection (b) of this section except that the lines drawn under Paragraph (B) of Subdivision (1), Paragraph (B) of Subdivision (2) or Paragraph (A) of Subdivision (3) of Subsection (b) may be extended for no more than five statute miles instead of one marine league. The governing body of such city shall have the right, power, and authority to designate the area described as an industrial district, as the term is customarily used, and to treat such area from time to time as such governing body may deem to be in the best interest of the city. Included in such rights and powers of the governing body of any city is the right and power to enter into contracts or agreements with the owner(s) or lessee(s) of land in such industrial district upon such terms and considerations as the parties might deem appropriate. The city shall have no authority to regulate oil and gas exploration, production, and transportation operations in an industrial district established pursuant to this Act, but in consideration of such relinquishment and the relinquishment of other rights under Section 42.044, Local Government Code, the city is expressly authorized to require payments of a property owner or lessee(s) in such industrial district in an amount not to exceed 35 percent of the revenue that would be produced if the city imposed a property tax in the industrial district. Nothing herein shall prohibit a city and property owner or lessee(s) from agreement by contract for payments in a lesser amount.

Added by Acts 1981, 67th Leg., p. 3057, ch. 803, Sec. 1, eff. Aug. 31, 1981. Amended by Acts 1983, 68th Leg., p. 3134, ch. 538, Sec. 1, eff. June 19, 1983; Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, Sec. 38, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

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