(a) The department shall offer examinations at least two times a year at times and at places established and announced by the department.
(b) The examination required under the Act, §451.156 consists of a written examination, a practical examination, and a jurisprudence examination prescribed by the department.
(1) An applicant must pass the written examination prior to taking the practical examination.
(2) An applicant must complete the jurisprudence examination no more than six months prior to the date of application.
(3) The written examination may test subject areas including, but not limited to:
(A) injury and illness prevention and wellness promotion;
(B) examination and assessment;
(C) immediate and emergency care;
(D) therapeutic intervention; and
(E) healthcare administration and professional responsibility.
(c) An applicant is eligible for examination if the applicant meets one of the following three options:
(1) the applicant:
(A) is within 30 semester hours of graduation;
(B) has completed or is currently pre-registered or enrolled in the courses listed in §110.21; and
(C) has completed at least 1,300 hours of the required 1,800 hours and the apprenticeship program is in progress;
(2) the applicant is currently enrolled in, and within two semesters of graduating from, an athletic training program at a college or university which holds accreditation from a nationally recognized accrediting organization that is approved by the department, if the applicant qualifies under the Act, §451.153(a)(1); or
(3) the applicant has completed at least 600 hours of the required 720 hours and the apprenticeship program is in progress, if the applicant qualifies under the Act, §451.153(a)(2) or (a)(3).
(d) The department shall review all applications prior to the examination. An applicant meeting the requirements of subsection (c) or of §110.21 shall be approved to take the examination.
(e) The department shall notify an applicant whose application has been approved for examination. Applications which are received incomplete or late may cause the applicant to miss the examination registration deadline.
(f) Examinations shall be graded by the department's designee.
(g) The department's designee shall notify each applicant of the results of the examination within 30 days of the date of the examination.
(h) The following procedures relate to applicants who fail the examination prescribed by the department.
(1) An applicant who fails the examination may take a subsequent examination after paying the examination fee.
(2) The department will make available a copy of the department's policy concerning examination review to an applicant who fails an examination.
(i) An applicant who fails to take the examination within a period of two years after the initial examination approval notice sent by the department, shall have such approval withdrawn and the application for licensure voided.
(j) An applicant who has failed the state examination described in subsections (a) - (l), must successfully complete that examination in order to be issued a license. If the application has been voided as described in subsection (i), the person shall submit a new application, and the provisions of subsection (m) shall apply.
(k) Applicants who have passed the examination and do not have a degree, will have 90 days from their graduation date to submit all documents and fees necessary to show compliance with this chapter and complete the licensing procedure. If the application process is not completed within 90 days of the graduation date, the applicant shall be required to file a new application and retake the examination successfully in order to qualify for licensure.
(l) A first-time applicant must apply for examination within five years from the date on which the applicant's qualifying degree was conferred or the apprenticeship was completed, whichever is later. An applicant may submit an application after this time period upon successful completion of remedial coursework or apprenticeship, as approved by the department.
(m) If an applicant has successfully completed the examination administered by the Board of Certification, Inc. (BOC), the applicant shall not be required to complete the state examination described in subsections (a) - (l). The applicant must furnish to the department a copy of the test results indicating that the applicant passed the examination.
Source Note: The provisions of this §110.23 adopted to be effective October 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4435; amended to be effective July 1, 2018, 43 TexReg 3881; amended to be effective August 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 5171