The ten general orders listed in this section are the traditional code of conduct for the Texas Department of Public Safety (the department) and are binding in addition to any other code of ethics adopted. As a member of the department it shall be my duty:
(1) To execute the mission of the department to protect and serve Texas.
(2) To practice, at all times, the motto of the department: "Courtesy, Service, Protection."
(3) To keep myself clean and presentable and in good physical, mental, and moral condition.
(4) To know and obey at all times the U.S. and state constitutions, federal and state laws, and lawful orders and instructions.
(5) To keep all state equipment issued to me fully accounted for, in proper working condition, and secure.
(6) To register as a voter and vote my convictions as a citizen but refrain from political campaigns and endorsements except as specifically authorized by law and policy.
(7) To conduct my duties in a straightforward, honest, and respectful manner, relying upon poise, competence, and soundness of character.
(8) To report misconduct and matters that negatively impact me or other department personnel to my immediate supervisor and higher, if necessary.
(9) To make suggestions to improve department operations, policies, and services.
(10) To conduct myself, on and off duty, in a manner that merits the voluntary praise of those with whom I come in contact, so that my actions reflect well upon myself, the department, and the State of Texas.
Source Note: The provisions of this §1.111 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976; amended to be effective March 16, 2014, 39 TexReg 1723