(a) A licensee must have two years of professional experience in providing direct client services in the area of licensure in order to supervise an intern or assistant. One year of the licensee's internship shall be counted toward the two years of experience.
(b) A licensee may not supervise an individual that is related to the licensee within the first degree of consanguinity, as determined under Government Code, Chapter 573, Subchapter B.
(c) A supervisor of an intern in speech-language pathology must be a licensed speech-language pathologist who is approved by the department and who possesses at least a master's degree with a major in one of the areas of communicative sciences or disorders.
(d) A supervisor of an assistant in speech-language pathology must be a licensed speech-language pathologist who is approved by the department.
(e) A supervisor of an intern in audiology or an assistant in audiology must be a licensed audiologist who is approved by the department.
(f) A supervisor of an intern or assistant shall:
(1) ensure that all services provided are in compliance with this chapter and the Act, such as verifying:
(A) the intern or assistant holds a current license;
(B) the supervisor has been approved by the department;
(C) the practice and duties of the intern or assistant are appropriate; and
(D) the intern or assistant is qualified to perform the procedure;
(2) be responsible for all client services performed by the intern or assistant;
(3) provide appropriate supervision after the department approves the supervisory agreement; and
(4) comply with the following:
(A) supervise no more than a total of four (4) speech-language pathology interns and/or assistants; or
(B) supervise no more than a total of four (4) audiology interns and/or assistants.
(g) In addition to the provisions listed in subsection (f), a supervisor of an assistant shall:
(1) be responsible for evaluations, interpretation, and case management; and
(2) not designate anyone other than a licensed speech-language pathologist or intern in speech-language pathology to represent speech-language pathology to an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meetings, except as provided by §111.51 and §111.52.
(h) A licensed intern or assistant shall abide by the decisions made by the supervisor relating to the intern's or assistant's practice and duties. If the supervisor requests that the intern or assistant violate this chapter, the Act, or any other law, the intern or assistant shall refuse to do so and immediately notify the department and any other appropriate authority.
Source Note: The provisions of this §111.154 adopted to be effective October 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4441; amended to be effective May 1, 2018, 43 TexReg 2544; amended to be effective August 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 5172