(a) Each applicant shall apply for a uranium exploration permit by filing with the division a completed Form SMRD-3U (Application to Conduct Uranium Exploration Activities by Drilling) and paying the Commission the applicable fee or fees as required by §11.136 of this title (relating to Uranium Exploration Permit Fees).
(b) The application shall contain the following information necessary for the division to provide notice pursuant to §11.137 of this title (relating to Commission Notice of Uranium Exploration Permit Application, Issuance, and Denial):
(1) the name, mailing and street addresses, and telephone number of the applicant;
(2) the name, mailing and street addresses, and telephone number of the applicant's authorized representative that will be responsible for conducting the exploration activity;
(3) the name of each county in which the exploration activity is proposed, along with the contact information by name, address, and telephone number, for each of the following:
(A) each groundwater conservation district within the area in which the exploration activity will occur;
(B) the mayor and health authority of each municipality within 10 miles in all directions of the boundary of the area in which the exploration activity will occur;
(C) the county judge and health authority of each county in which the exploration activity will occur; and
(D) each member of the Texas legislature who represents the area in which the exploration activity will occur;
(4) the names and addresses of all landowners of record of the surface of the exploration permit area, indexed to the land tracts identified on the map required in paragraph (6) of this subsection;
(5) the names and addresses of all mineral estate owners for which the applicant has obtained the right of entry to conduct exploration activities, indexed to the land tracts identified on the map required in paragraph (6) of this subsection;
(6) a USGS topographic map or maps (scale 1:24,000), in both paper and digital formats, showing the proposed exploration area, with the following information shown:
(A) the exploration area boundary and acreage stated to the nearest acre;
(B) the boundary of each land tract within the exploration permit area, with the tracts that the applicant has obtained the right to enter to conduct exploration activities identified; and
(C) the location of all private or public water wells that can be identified in the public record that are:
(i) within the proposed permit boundary; and
(ii) outside of but within 150 feet of the proposed permit boundary; and
(7) the following information:
(A) a description of the geology and hydrogeology for the proposed permit area that includes cross-sections and maps;
(B) an explanation of the exploration drilling method, including the depth of subsurface penetration and the estimated size of the surface disturbance;
(C) a description of the physical method for marking each borehole location for inspection;
(D) a description of the proposed plugging and well construction methods, which shall conform to the requirements of §11.138 of this title (relating to Uranium Exploration Drill Site Operating and Reclamation Requirements);
(E) a description of the proposed methods for disposing of cuttings produced by the drilling activity and preventing surface runoff from entering mud pits; and
(F) a description of the proposed procedures for leveling any disturbance caused by the drilling activity to conform to the requirements of §11.138 of this title.
(c) The application shall be signed by the authorized representative identified in subsection (b)(2) of this section, dated, and certified, attesting to the veracity of the statements and representations in the application.
Source Note: The provisions of this §11.132 adopted to be effective November 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 9724