(a) Any of the major infractions listed as follows may be deemed sufficient cause for the discharge, suspension, demotion, or removal of any employee of the department of public safety:
(1) failure to abide by the Code and Canons of Ethics or the standards of ethical conduct for state employees;
(2) violation of one or more of the 10 general orders;
(3) violation of any rule, order, requirement, or failure to follow instructions contained in department manuals;
(4) willful disobedience to any legal order properly issued to him by any superior officer to the department;
(5) willful neglect of duty;
(6) making public any investigation or proposed movement or business of the department to any unauthorized person;
(7) unnecessary and unwarranted violence to a citizen or person under arrest;
(8) use of indecent, profane, or harsh language while on duty or in uniform;
(9) unauthorized attendance while on duty at official legislative sessions;
(10) willful or inexcusable destruction or loss of state property;
(11) violations of law which are willful or inexcusable;
(12) acceptance of fees, gifts, or money contrary to the rules of the department and/or laws of the state;
(13) any act on or off duty which reflects discredit to the department of public safety; or
(14) racial profiling.
(b) The terms contained herein are those which appear in §§1.111 - 1.113 of this title (relating to Professional Conduct) and are intended by the public safety commission to reflect and refer to those provisions.
Source Note: The provisions of this §1.114 adopted to be effective November 20, 1987, 12 TexReg 4123; amended to be effective January 11, 2001, 26 TexReg 214; amended to be effective June 12, 2002, 27 TexReg 4990; amended to be effective May 20, 2008, 33 TexReg 4007