A reclamation plan, which is an essential element of the surface mining permit application, shall be developed in a manner consistent with local, physical, environmental, and climatological conditions and current mining and reclamation technologies and shall include where applicable the following information:
(1) the identification of the entire area to be mined and affected over the estimated life of the mining operation;
(2) the condition of the land to be covered by the permit prior to any mining, including:
(A) the uses existing at the time of the application, and if the land has a history of previous mining, the uses, if reasonably ascertainable, which immediately preceded any mining; and
(B) the capability of the land prior to any mining to support a variety of uses, giving consideration to soil and foundation characteristics, topography, and vegetative cover;
(3) the capacity of the land to support its anticipated use following reclamation, including a discussion of the capacity of the reclaimed land to support alternative uses:
(A) included in this discussion shall be the uses to which similar land in the vicinity, which is not being mined is being put; and
(B) uses, if any, to which similar land which has been similarly mined is being utilized;
(4) a description of how the proposed postmining land condition is to be achieved and the necessary support activities that may be needed to achieve the condition, including an estimate of the cost per acre of the reclamation;
(5) the steps taken to comply with applicable air and water quality and water rights laws and regulations and any applicable health and safety standards, including copies of any pertinent permit applications;
(6) a general timetable that the operator estimates will be necessary for accomplishing the major events contained in the reclamation plan.
Source Note: The provisions of this §11.151 adopted to be effective March 24, 1976, 1 TexReg 502; amended to be effective November 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 9724