For expiration of Subsection (a), see Section 112.0421(c), Human Resources Code.
Sec. 112.041. PURPOSE AND POLICY. (a) The purpose of this Act is to minimize the economic and human losses in Texas caused by preventable disabilities through the establishment of a joint private-public initiative called the Office for the Prevention of Developmental Disabilities.
(b) The legislature finds there is a strong need for a unified, comprehensive prevention effort in the State of Texas. Many state agencies, as well as private organizations and local public agencies, are involved in prevention activities that can reduce the incidence and severity of developmental disabilities. However, a coordinated statewide plan that identifies and consolidates research findings and prevention activities has yet to be developed.
(c) The legislature further finds that by establishing a mechanism by which prevention activities can be better coordinated and needed prevention programs can be initiated, the State of Texas will be making an important investment in Texas's future.
Added by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1209, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1989.