(a) For the Sulfolene Handling Area (EPN F-M2A), the owner or operator shall track hourly the weight of sulfolene stored and shall monitor the temperature on an hourly basis inside the sulfolene handling building and each trailer containing sulfolene. The emissions from EPN F-M2A must be calculated as follows:
(1) for the sulfolene handling building and each trailer storing sulfolene, enter the hourly measured weight of sulfolene stored into the following equation;
Attached Graphic
(2) enter into the equation in §112.203(a)(1) the decomposition factor corresponding to the measured temperature for that hour in the sulfolene handling building or trailer, as appropriate, calculated using the following equation;
Attached Graphic
(3) calculate the emissions for the specific trailer or the sulfolene handling building;
(4) sum the emissions for the sulfolene handling building and all trailers at location F-M2A_1; and
(5) sum the emissions for all trailers at location F-M2A_2.
(b) The owner or operator shall monitor the sulfur content of gases routed to North Flare (EPN FL-1) and to South Flare (EPN FL-2) by using separate analyzers that are installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated according to the manufacturer's specifications, which are capable of accurately measuring and recording hydrogen sulfide and organic sulfur compounds levels on a continuous basis with an accuracy of ±2.5% of full scale for concentrations greater than 50 parts per million. To account for the de minimis levels of sulfur dioxide in the gases sent to the South Flare, the owner or operator shall add 0.015 pound per hour of SO2 to each hourly calculation of SO2 emissions from the South Flare.
(c) The owner or operator shall monitor the volumetric flow rate of gases routed to the North Flare (EPN FL-1) and to the South Flare (EPN FL-2) using separate totalizing gas flow meters with an accuracy of ±5% that are installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated according to the manufacturer's specifications.
(d) The owner or operator shall calculate the SO2 emissions from North Flare (EPN FL-1) South Flare (EPN FL-2) using the following equation with the addition of 0.015 pound per hour of SO2 to each hourly calculation of SO2 emissions from the South Flare:
Attached Graphic
(e) Continuous monitoring data collected in accordance with requirements in this subsection must undergo an appropriate quality assurance and quality control process and be validated for at least 95% of the time that the monitored emission point has emissions; an owner or operator must utilize an appropriate data substitution process based on the most accurate methodology available, which is at least equivalent to engineering judgement, to obtain all missing or invalidated monitoring data for the remaining period the monitored emission point has emissions.
(f) Minor modifications to monitoring methods may be approved by the executive director. Monitoring methods other than those specified in this section may be used if approved by the executive director and validated by 40 CFR Part 63, Appendix A, Test Method 301. For the purposes of this subsection, substitute "executive director" in each place that Test Method 301 references "administrator." These validation procedures may be waived by the executive director or a different protocol may be granted for site-specific applications. Minor modifications that may be approved under this subsection include increases in the frequency of monitoring and the replacement of parametric monitoring with direct emissions monitoring with a continuous emissions monitoring system provided appropriate quality assurance control, accuracy specifications, and data validation requirements are specified and no less stringent than monitoring requirements for a comparable EPN in this division.
Source Note: The provisions of this §112.203 adopted to be effective October 27, 2022, 47 TexReg 6985