(a) The examination required under the Act shall consist of a written test, a practical test (all portions), and a jurisprudence test.
(b) The department shall administer or arrange for the administration of the examination.
(1) The written test is the International Licensing Examination for Hearing Instrument Dispenser, administered by the department's designee.
(2) The practical test is developed by the department and administered by the department's designee.
(3) The jurisprudence test is developed by the department and administered by the department's designee.
(c) The examination under subsection (a) will test the following areas as they relate to the fitting and dispensing of hearing instruments:
(1) basic physics of sound;
(2) structure and function of hearing instruments;
(3) fitting of hearing instruments;
(4) pure tone audiometry, including air conduction testing and bone conduction testing;
(5) live voice and recorded voice speech audiometry;
(6) masking when indicated for air conduction, bone conduction, and speech;
(7) recording and evaluation of audiograms and speech audiometry to determine the candidacy for a hearing instrument;
(8) selection and adaption of hearing instruments, testing of hearing instruments, and verification of aided hearing instrument performance;
(9) taking of earmold impressions;
(10) verification of hearing instrument fitting and functional gain measurements using a calibrated system;
(11) anatomy and physiology of the ear;
(12) counseling and aural rehabilitation of an individual with a hearing impairment for the purpose of fitting and dispensing hearing instruments;
(13) use of an otoscope for the visual observation of the entire ear canal; and
(14) laws, rules, and regulations of this state and the United States.
(d) The examination may not test knowledge of the diagnosis or treatment of any disease of or injury to the human body.
Source Note: The provisions of this §112.21 adopted to be effective September 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 6096