(a) Tests required under §112.244 of this title (relating to Testing Requirements) must be conducted using the test methods in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 60, Appendices A-1 through A-8 and Appendix B or other methods as specified in this section, except as provided in §60.8(b).
(b) Sulfur dioxide in exhaust gases must be determined using United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Method 6 or 6C (40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A).
(c) For flares subject to emissions limitations or standards in §112.242 of this title (relating to Control Requirements), the owner or operator shall use flare test methods and procedures in 40 CFR §60.104a as if the federal rules apply to carbon black plants.
(d) Sulfur content of fuels and carbon black oil must be determined using American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method D4294 for fuel composition.
(e) Sulfur content of carbon black must be determined using ASTM Test Method D1619.
(f) Alternate test methods as approved by the executive director and the EPA may be used.
Source Note: The provisions of this §112.245 adopted to be effective October 27, 2022, 47 TexReg 6985