(a) In accordance with the Act, continuing education courses must be provided by a department-approved continuing education provider. An individual or organization may request approval as a continuing education provider by submitting an application to the department. The department may consult as needed with an advisory board member.
(b) After review of the continuing education provider application, the applicant may be approved by the department as either a manufacturer continuing education provider or a non-manufacturer continuing education provider.
(c) Upon approval, the continuing education provider applicant shall pay the continuing education provider fee prescribed under §112.110. The approved provider status shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance of provider approval.
(d) Continuing education providers must renew their approved provider status annually by completing and returning to the department the provider renewal form and the continuing education provider fee. If not renewed on or before the expiration date, the continuing education provider must reapply for approved sponsor status.
(e) Each continuing education course offered by an approved provider must be submitted to the department on the required course approval form.
(f) The department is responsible for the review and approval of all continuing education courses submitted by approved providers. The department may consult as needed with an advisory board member.
(g) Each continuing education course will be evaluated by the department on the basis of the following criteria:
(1) relevance of the subject matter to increase or support the development of skills and competence in the fitting and dispensing of hearing instruments or in studies or disciplines related to fitting and dispensing of hearing instruments;
(2) objectives of specific information and skills to be learned; and
(3) subject matter, educational methods, materials, qualifications of instructors and presenters, and facilities utilized, including the frequency and duration of sessions, and the adequacy to implement learner objectives.
(h) Approved providers who offer online continuing education must submit each course for approval.
(i) Approved continuing education courses and providers will be listed on the department's website.
(j) An organization or individual who meets the required criteria and is approved by the department may advertise as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed fitters and dispensers of hearing instruments.
(k) Each continuing education provider shall provide each participant with a certificate of completion that documents the participant's name, the continuing education course number, the number of approved continuing education hours, the title and date(s) of the program as approved by the department, and the name of the approved continuing education provider.
Source Note: The provisions of this §112.72 adopted to be effective October 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4458