At the time of submission of an application for a surface mining permit, renewal, or transfer of an existing permit, or for release of all or part of a performance bond or deposit, the applicant shall publish notice of the ownership, location, and boundaries of the permit area sufficient so that the proposed operation or area covered by the bond to be reduced or released is readily locatable by local residents, and the location where the application is available for public inspection, which shall be with the county clerk(s) at the county courthouse(s) of the county(ies) where the surface mining operation(s) subject to the application are located. Such notice shall be placed in the local newspaper of greatest general circulation in the locality of the land affected at least once a week for four consecutive weeks. In addition, the commission shall contact various local governmental bodies, planning agencies, sewage and water treatment authorities, or water companies having jurisdiction over or in the locality in which the proposed surface mining will take place and the owners of record of all surface areas, within 500 feet of any part of the permit area, including any persons residing on the property of the permit area, notifying them of the applicant's intention to surface mine a particularly described tract of land and indicating the applicant's permit number, if any, and where a copy of the proposed mining and reclamation plan may be inspected.
Source Note: The provisions of this §11.31 adopted to be effective March 24, 1976, 1 TexReg 502.