(a) Except as specified in Table 1 of this subsection, the rules in this division apply to those designated facilities with existing hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerator (HMIWI) units for which construction was commenced on or before June 20, 1996.
Attached Graphic
(b) Physical or operational changes made to an existing HMIWI unit solely for the purpose of complying with the requirements of this division are not considered a modification as defined in §113.2070(28) of this title (relating to Definitions) and do not result in an existing HMIWI unit becoming subject to the provisions of 40 Code of Federal Regulations 60, Subpart Ec (relating to Standards of Performance for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators for Which Construction is Commenced after June 20, 1996).
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2071 adopted to be effective June 11, 2000, 25 TexReg 5365