(a) You must not operate your municipal waste combustion unit at loads greater than 110 percent of the maximum demonstrated load of the municipal waste combustion unit (4-hour block average), as specified in §113.2100 of this title (relating to Definitions).
(b) You must not operate your municipal waste combustion unit so that the temperature at the inlet of the particulate matter control device exceeds 17 degrees Celsius above the maximum demonstrated temperature of the particulate matter control device (4-hour block average), as specified in §113.2100 of this title.
(c) If your municipal waste combustion unit uses activated carbon to control dioxins/furans or mercury emissions, you must maintain an 8-hour block average carbon feed rate at or above the highest average level established during the most recent dioxins/furans or mercury test.
(d) If your municipal waste combustion unit uses activated carbon to control dioxins/furans or mercury emissions, you must evaluate total carbon usage for each calendar quarter. The total amount of carbon purchased and delivered to your municipal waste combustion plant must be at or above the required quarterly usage of carbon. At your option, you may choose to evaluate required quarterly carbon usage on a municipal waste combustion unit basis for each individual municipal waste combustion unit at your plant. Calculate the required quarterly usage of carbon using equation 4 or 5 in §113.2171(f) of this title (relating to What equations must I use?).
(e) Your municipal waste combustion unit is exempt from limits on load level, temperature at the inlet of the particulate matter control device, and carbon feed rate during any of five situations:
(1) During your annual tests for dioxins/furans.
(2) During your annual mercury tests (for carbon feed rate requirements only).
(3) During the 2 weeks preceding your annual tests for dioxins/furans.
(4) During the 2 weeks preceding your annual mercury tests (for carbon feed rate requirements only).
(5) Whenever the executive director permits you to do any of five activities:
(A) Evaluate system performance.
(B) Test new technology or control technologies.
(C) Perform diagnostic testing.
(D) Perform other activities to improve the performance of your municipal waste combustion unit.
(E) Perform other activities to advance the state of the art for emission controls for your municipal waste combustion unit.
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2122 adopted to be effective May 14, 2009, 34 TexReg 2771