(a) You may test less often if you own or operate a Class II municipal waste combustion unit and if all stack tests for a given pollutant over 3 consecutive years show you comply with the emission limit. In that case, you are not required to conduct a stack test for that pollutant for the next 2 years. However, you must conduct another stack test within 36 months of the anniversary date of the third consecutive stack test that shows you comply with the emission limit. Thereafter, you must perform stack tests every 3rd year but no later than 36 months following the previous stack tests. If a stack test shows noncompliance with an emission limit, you must conduct annual stack tests for that pollutant until all stack tests over 3 consecutive years show compliance with the emission limit for that pollutant. The provision applies to all pollutants subject to stack testing requirements: dioxins/furans, cadmium, lead, mercury, particulate matter, opacity, hydrogen chloride, and fugitive ash.
(b) You can test less often for dioxins/furans emissions if you own or operate a municipal waste combustion plant that meets two conditions. First, you have multiple municipal waste combustion units onsite that are subject to this division. Second, all those municipal waste combustion units have demonstrated levels of dioxins/furans emissions less than or equal to 15 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass) for Class I units, or 30 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass) for Class II units, for 2 consecutive years. In that case, you may choose to conduct annual stack tests on only one municipal waste combustion unit per year at your plant. The provision only applies to stack testing for dioxins/furans emissions.
(1) Conduct the stack test no more than 13 months following a stack test on any municipal waste combustion unit subject to this division at your plant. Each year, test a different municipal waste combustion unit subject to this division and test all municipal waste combustion units subject to this division in a sequence that you determine. Once you determine a testing sequence, it must not be changed without approval by the executive director.
(2) If each annual stack test shows levels of dioxins/furans emissions less than or equal to 15 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass) for Class I units, or 30 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass) for Class II units, you may continue stack tests on only one municipal waste combustion unit subject to this division per year.
(3) If any annual stack test indicates levels of dioxins/furans emissions greater than 15 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass) for Class I units, or 30 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass) for Class II units, conduct subsequent annual stack tests on all municipal waste combustion units subject to this division at your plant. You may return to testing one municipal waste combustion unit subject to this division per year if you can demonstrate dioxins/furans emissions levels less than or equal to 15 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass) for Class I units, or 30 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass) for Class II units, for all municipal waste combustion units at your plant subject to this division for 2 consecutive years.
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2143 adopted to be effective May 14, 2009, 34 TexReg 2771