(a) If your municipal waste combustion unit generates steam, you must install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a steam flowmeter or a feed water flowmeter and meet five requirements:
(1) Continuously measure and record the measurements of steam (or feed water) in kilograms (or pounds) per hour.
(2) Calculate your steam (or feed water) flow in 4-hour block averages.
(3) Calculate the steam (or feed water) flow rate using the method in "American Society of Mechanical Engineers Power Test Codes: Test Code for Steam Generating Units, Power Test Code 4.1 - 1964 (R1991)," section 4 (incorporated by reference in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §60.17(h)(2)).
(4) Design, construct, install, calibrate, and use nozzles or orifices for flow rate measurements, using the recommendations in "American Society of Mechanical Engineers Interim Supplement 19.5 on Instruments and Apparatus: Application, Part II of Fluid Meters," 6th Edition (1971), chapter 4 (incorporated by reference in 40 CFR §60.17(h)(3)).
(5) Before each dioxins/furans stack test, or at least once a year, calibrate all signal conversion elements associated with steam (or feed water) flow measurements according to the manufacturer instructions.
(b) If your municipal waste combustion units do not generate steam, or, if your municipal waste combustion units have shared steam systems and steam load cannot be estimated per unit, you must determine, to the satisfaction of the executive director, one or more operating parameters that can be used to continuously estimate load level (for example, the feed rate of municipal solid waste or refuse-derived fuel). You must continuously monitor the selected parameters.
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2146 adopted to be effective May 14, 2009, 34 TexReg 2771