For stack tests required under §113.2139 of this title (relating to What types of stack tests must I conduct?), you must keep records of four items:
(1) The results of the stack tests for eight pollutants or parameters recorded in the appropriate units of measure specified in Table 2 or 4 in §113.2174 of this title (relating to Tables Relating to Division 3):
(A) Dioxins/furans.
(B) Cadmium.
(C) Lead.
(D) Mercury.
(E) Opacity.
(F) Particulate matter.
(G) Hydrogen chloride.
(H) Fugitive ash.
(2) Test reports including supporting calculations that document the results of all stack tests.
(3) The maximum demonstrated load of your municipal waste combustion units and maximum temperature at the inlet of your particulate matter control device during all stack tests for dioxins/furans emissions.
(4) The calendar date of each record.
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2153 adopted to be effective May 14, 2009, 34 TexReg 2771