(a) If you are using a wet scrubber to comply with the emission limitation under §113.2220 of this title (relating to What emission limitations must I meet and by when?), you must install, calibrate (to manufacturers' specifications), maintain, and operate devices (or establish methods) for monitoring the value of the operating parameters used to determine compliance with the operating limits listed in Table 3 in §113.2261 of this title (relating to Tables Relating to Division 4). These devices (or methods) must measure and record the values for these operating parameters at the frequencies indicated in Table 3 in §113.2261 of this title at all times except as specified in §113.2233(a) of this title (relating to Is there a minimum amount of monitoring data I must obtain?).
(b) If you use a fabric filter to comply with the requirements of this division, you must install, calibrate, maintain, and continuously operate a bag leak detection system as specified in paragraphs (1) through (8) of this subsection.
(1) You must install and operate a bag leak detection system for each exhaust stack of the fabric filter.
(2) Each bag leak detection system must be installed, operated, calibrated, and maintained in a manner consistent with the manufacturer's written specifications and recommendations.
(3) The bag leak detection system must be certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting particulate matter emissions at concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter or less.
(4) The bag leak detection system sensor must provide output of relative or absolute particulate matter loadings.
(5) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with a device to continuously record the output signal from the sensor.
(6) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with an alarm system that will sound automatically when an increase in relative particulate matter emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm must be located where it is easily heard by plant operating personnel.
(7) For positive pressure fabric filter systems, a bag leak detection system must be installed in each baghouse compartment or cell. For negative pressure or induced air fabric filters, the bag leak detector must be installed downstream of the fabric filter.
(8) Where multiple detectors are required, the system's instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors.
(c) If you are using something other than a wet scrubber to comply with the emission limitations under §113.2220 of this title, you must install, calibrate (to the manufacturers' specifications), maintain, and operate the equipment necessary to monitor compliance with the site-specific operating limits established using the procedures in §113.2222 of this title (relating to What if I do not use a wet scrubber to comply with the emission limitations?).
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2232 adopted to be effective May 14, 2009, 34 TexReg 2771