The annual report required under §113.2239 of this title (relating to When must I submit my annual report?) must include the ten items listed in paragraphs (1) through (10) of this section. If you have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations, you must also submit deviation reports as specified in §§113.2241, 113.2242, and 113.2243 of this title (relating to What else must I report if I have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations?, What must I include in the deviation report?, and What else must I report if I have a deviation from the requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?).
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Statement by a responsible official, with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the accuracy of the content of the report.
(3) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.
(4) The values for the operating limits established pursuant to §113.2221 or §113.2222 of this title (relating to What operating limits must I meet and by when? or What if I do not use a wet scrubber to comply with the emission limitations?).
(5) If no deviation from any emission limitation or operating limit that applies to you has been reported, a statement that there was no deviation from the emission limitations or operating limits during the reporting period, and that no monitoring system used to determine compliance with the operating limits was inoperative, inactive, malfunctioning, or out of control.
(6) The highest recorded 3-hour average and the lowest recorded 3-hour average, as applicable, for each operating parameter recorded for the calendar year being reported.
(7) Information recorded under §113.2234(2)(F) and (3) through (5) of this title (relating to What records must I keep?) for the calendar year being reported.
(8) If a performance test was conducted during the reporting period, the results of that test.
(9) If you met the requirements of §113.2230(a) or (b) of this title (relating to May I conduct performance testing less often?), and did not conduct a performance test during the reporting period, you must state that you met the requirements of §113.2230(a) or (b) of this title, and, therefore, you were not required to conduct a performance test during the reporting period.
(10) Documentation of periods when all qualified commercial and industrial solid waste incineration unit operators were unavailable for more than 8 hours, but less than 2 weeks.
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2240 adopted to be effective May 14, 2009, 34 TexReg 2771