(a) An air curtain incinerator operates by forcefully projecting a curtain of air across an open chamber or open pit in which combustion occurs. Incinerators of this type can be constructed above or below ground and with or without refractory walls and floor. (Air curtain incinerators are not to be confused with conventional combustion devices with enclosed fireboxes and controlled air technology such as mass burn, modular, and fluidized bed combustors.)
(b) Air curtain incinerators that burn only the materials listed in paragraphs (1) through (3) of this subsection are only required to meet the requirements under "Air Curtain Incinerators" (this section and §§113.2249 through 113.2260 of this title (relating to What are my requirements for meeting increments of progress and achieving final compliance?, When must I complete each increment of progress?, What must I include in the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?, When must I submit the notifications of achievement of increments of progress?, What if I do not meet an increment of progress?, How do I comply with the increment of progress for submittal of a control plan?, How do I comply with the increment of progress for achieving final compliance?, What must I do if I close my air curtain incinerator and then restart it?, What must I do if I plan to permanently close my air curtain incinerator and not restart it?, What are the emission limitations for air curtain incinerators?, How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators?, and What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators?)). In addition, air curtain incinerators must meet the requirements of §113.2247 of this title (relating to Am I required to apply for and obtain a Title V operating permit for my unit?).
(1) 100 percent wood waste.
(2) 100 percent clean lumber.
(3) 100 percent mixture of only wood waste, clean lumber, and/or yard waste.
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2248 adopted to be effective May 14, 2009, 34 TexReg 2771