(a) An owner or operator of a municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) subject to the requirements of this division shall comply with the following reporting requirements, except as otherwise specified for legacy controlled landfills in subsections (b) - (d) of this section.
(1) The owner or operator shall submit the initial design capacity report in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, §60.38f(a), to the executive director within 90 days from the implementation date specified in §113.2412 of this title (relating to Implementation Date and Increments of Progress). Owners or operators that have already submitted an initial design capacity report to EPA to satisfy 40 CFR §62.16724 are not required to submit the report again, unless specifically requested by the executive director.
(2) An owner or operator of an MSWLF with a design capacity equal to or greater than 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters and subject to the requirements of this division shall also submit the initial non-methane organic compound (NMOC) emission rate report in accordance with 40 CFR §60.38f(c) to the executive director within 90 days from the implementation date specified in §113.2412 of this title. Owners or operators that have already submitted an initial NMOC report to EPA to satisfy 40 CFR §62.16724 are not required to submit the report again, unless specifically requested by the executive director.
(3) An owner or operator of an MSWLF subject to the requirements of this division shall comply with applicable requirements of 40 CFR §60.38f(d) and (e) concerning the submittal of a site-specific gas collection and control system design plan to the executive director. Owners or operators that have already submitted a design plan to EPA to satisfy 40 CFR §62.16724 are not required to submit the design plan again, unless specifically requested by the executive director.
(4) Owners or operators of an MSWLF subject to the requirements of this division shall provide to the executive director an annual emission inventory report of landfill-generated non-methane organic compound (NMOC) emissions. This annual NMOC emission inventory report is not required for an MSWLF with a capacity less than 2.5 million megagrams by mass or 2.5 million cubic meters by volume or an MSWLF which is exempt from this division under the provisions of §113.2406(a). This annual NMOC emission inventory report is separate and distinct from any initial or annual NMOC emission rate reports required under 40 CFR §60.38f.
(A) Annual NMOC emission inventory reports required under this paragraph shall include the landfill's uncontrolled and (if equipped with a control system) controlled NMOC emissions in megagrams per year (Mg/yr) for the preceding calendar year. For purposes of these annual emission inventory reports, NMOC emissions will be calculated using the procedures specified in the U.S. EPA's Compilation of Air Pollutant Emissions Factors (AP-42). Note that the use of AP-42 calculations for these annual NMOC emission inventory reports is different from the calculation method that is required for NMOC emission rate reports prepared for purposes of 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Cf or 40 CFR Part 62, Subpart OOO.
(B) Annual NMOC emission inventory reports required under this paragraph shall be submitted no later than March 31 of each year following the calendar reporting year. These reports shall be submitted using the method designated by the executive director.
(5) This section only addresses certain specific reports for MSWLFs which are subject to this division. Owners or operators of an MSWLF subject to this division shall also comply with any additional reporting requirements specified in 40 CFR §60.38f or elsewhere in 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Cf, except as otherwise specified for legacy controlled landfills in subsections (b) - (d) of this section.
(b) Owners or operators of legacy controlled landfills are not required to submit the following reports, provided these reports were submitted under 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart WWW, or Chapter 113, §113.2061 (relating to Standard for Air Emissions), on or before June 21, 2021:
(1) Initial design capacity report specified in 40 CFR §60.38f(a);
(2) Initial or subsequent NMOC emission rate report specified in 40 CFR §60.38f(c);
(3) Collection and control system design plan specified in 40 CFR §60.38f(d);
(4) Initial annual report specified in 40 CFR §60.38f(h); and
(5) Initial performance test report specified in 40 CFR §60.38(f)(i).
(c) Owners or operators of legacy controlled landfills that have already submitted an annual report under 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart WWW, or Chapter 113, Division 1, of this title, are required to submit the annual report under this division no later than one year after the most recent annual report was submitted.
(d) Owners or operators of legacy controlled landfills that demonstrate compliance with the emission control requirements of this division using a treatment system as defined in 40 CFR §60.41f must comply with 40 CFR §62.16724(d)(7) as amended through May 21, 2021.
(e) Upon request, the owner or operator of a MSWLF subject to the requirements of this division shall submit any requested additional information necessary to document compliance to the executive director or applicable local air or waste pollution control programs with jurisdiction.
Source Note: The provisions of this §113.2410 adopted to be effective July 19, 2023, 48 TexReg 3913