(a) Implementation. Participation in the Low Income Vehicle Repair Assistance, Retrofit, and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program (LIRAP) is voluntary. An affected county may choose to participate in the program at its discretion. Upon receiving a written request to participate in the LIRAP by a county commissioner's court, the executive director shall authorize the implementation of a LIRAP in the requesting county. The executive director and county shall enter into a grant contract for the implementation of the LIRAP.
(1) The grant contract must provide conditions, requirements, and projected funding allowances for the implementation of the LIRAP.
(2) A participating county may contract with an entity approved by the executive director for services necessary to implement the LIRAP. A participating county or its designated entity shall demonstrate to the executive director that, at a minimum, the county or its designated entity has provided for appropriate measures for determining applicant eligibility and repair effectiveness and ensuring against fraud.
(3) The participating county shall remain the contracted entity even if the county contracts with another county or another entity approved by the executive director to administer the LIRAP.
(b) Repair and retrofit assistance. A LIRAP must provide for monetary or other compensatory assistance to eligible vehicle owners for repairs directly related to bringing certain vehicles that have failed a required emissions test into compliance with emissions requirements or for installing retrofit equipment on vehicles that have failed a required emissions test, if practically and economically feasible, in lieu of or in combination with repairs performed to bring a vehicle into compliance with emissions requirements. Vehicles under the LIRAP must be repaired or retrofitted at a recognized emissions repair facility. To determine eligibility, the participating county or its designated entity shall make applications available for LIRAP participants. The application, at a minimum, must require the vehicle owner to demonstrate that:
(1) the vehicle has failed a required emissions test within 30 days of application submittal;
(2) the vehicle can be driven under its own power to the emissions inspection station or vehicle retirement facility;
(3) the vehicle is currently registered in and has been registered in the participating program county for at least 12 of the 15 months immediately preceding the application for assistance;
(4) the vehicle has passed the safety portion of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) motor vehicle safety and emissions inspection as recorded in the Vehicle Inspection Report, or provide assurance that actions will be taken to bring the vehicle into compliance with safety requirements;
(5) the vehicle owner's net family income is at or below 300% of the federal poverty level; and
(6) any other requirements of the participating county or the executive director are met.
(c) Accelerated vehicle retirement. A LIRAP must provide monetary or other compensatory assistance to eligible vehicle owners to be used toward the purchase of a replacement vehicle.
(1) To determine eligibility, the participating county or its designated entity shall make applications available for LIRAP participants. The application, at a minimum, must require the vehicle owner to demonstrate that:
(A) the vehicle meets the requirements under subsection (b)(1) - (3) and (5) of this section;
(B) the vehicle has passed a DPS motor vehicle safety or safety and emissions inspection within 15 months prior to application submittal; and
(C) any other requirements of the participating county or the executive director are met.
(2) Eligible vehicle owners of pre-1996 model year vehicles that pass the required United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Start-Up Acceleration Simulation Mode (ASM) standards emissions test, but would have failed the EPA Final ASM standards emissions test, or some other criteria determined by the commission, may be eligible for accelerated vehicle retirement and replacement compensation under this section.
(3) Notwithstanding the vehicle requirement provided under subsection (b)(1) of this section, an eligible vehicle owner of a vehicle that is gasoline powered and is at least 10 years old as determined from the current calendar year (i.e., 2010 minus 10 years equals 2000) and meets the requirements under subsection (b)(2), (3), and (5) of this section, may be eligible for accelerated vehicle retirement and compensation.
(4) Replacement vehicles must:
(A) be in a class or category of vehicles that has been certified to meet federal Tier 2, Bin 5 or cleaner Bin certification under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §86.1811-04 or federal Tier 3, Bin 160 or cleaner Bin certification under 40 CFR §86.1811-17;
(B) have a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 pounds;
(C) have an odometer reading of not more than 70,000 miles;
(D) be a vehicle, the total cost of which does not exceed $35,000 or up to $45,000 for hybrid, electric, or natural gas vehicles, or vehicles certified as Tier 2, Bin 3 or cleaner Bin certification under 40 CFR §86.1811-04 or federal Tier 3, Bin 85 or cleaner Bin certification under 40 CFR §86.1811-17; and
(E) have passed a DPS motor vehicle safety inspection or safety and emissions inspection within the 15-month period before the application is submitted.
(d) Compensation. The participating county shall determine eligibility and approve or deny the application promptly. If the requirements of subsection (b) or (c) of this section are met and based on available funding, the county shall authorize monetary or other compensations to the eligible vehicle owner.
(1) Compensations must be:
(A) no more than $600 and no less than $30 per vehicle annually to be used for emission-related repairs or retrofits performed at recognized emissions repair facilities, including diagnostics tests performed on the vehicle; or
(B) based on vehicle type and model year of a replacement vehicle for the accelerated retirement of a vehicle meeting the requirements under this subsection. Only one retirement compensation can be used toward one replacement vehicle annually per applicant. The maximum amount toward a replacement vehicle must not exceed:
(i) $3,000 for a replacement car of the current model year or previous three model years, except as provided by clause (iii) of this subparagraph;
(ii) $3,000 for a replacement truck of the current model year or the previous two model years, except as provided by clause (iii) of this subparagraph; and
(iii) $3,500 for a replacement hybrid, electric, natural gas, and federal Tier 2, Bin 3 or cleaner Bin certification under 40 CFR §86.1811-04 or federal Tier 3, Bin 85 or cleaner Bin certification under 40 CFR §86.1811-17 vehicle of the current model year or the three previous model years.
(2) Vehicle owners shall be responsible for paying the first $30 of emission-related repairs or retrofit costs that may include diagnostics tests performed on the vehicle.
(3) For accelerated vehicle retirement, provided that the compensation levels in paragraph (1)(B) of this subsection are met and minimum eligibility requirements under subsection (c) of this section are met, a participating county may set a specific level of compensation or implement a level of compensation schedule that allows flexibility. The following criteria may be used for determining the amount of financial assistance:
(A) model year of the vehicle;
(B) miles registered on the vehicle's odometer;
(C) fair market value of the vehicle;
(D) estimated cost of emission-related repairs necessary to bring the vehicle into compliance with emission standards;
(E) amount of money the vehicle owner has already spent to bring the vehicle into compliance, excluding the cost of the vehicle emissions inspection; and
(F) vehicle owner's income.
(e) Reimbursement for repairs and retrofits. A participating county shall reimburse the appropriate recognized emissions repair facility for approved repairs and retrofits within 30 calendar days of receiving an invoice that meets the requirements of the county or designated entity. Repaired or retrofitted vehicles must pass a DPS safety and emissions inspection before the recognized emissions repair facility is reimbursed. In the event that the vehicle does not pass the emissions retest after diagnosed repairs are performed, the participating county has the discretion, on a case-by-case basis, to make payment for diagnosed emissions repair work performed.