(a) The following inspection requirements apply in the Beaumont-Port Arthur, Bexar County, Dallas-Fort Worth, El Paso, and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria areas, as defined in §115.10 of this title (relating to Definitions).
(1) For an internal floating roof storage tank, the internal floating roof and the primary seal or the secondary seal (if one is in service) must be visually inspected through a fixed roof inspection hatch at least once every 12 months.
(A) If the internal floating roof is not resting on the surface of the volatile organic compounds (VOC) inside the storage tank and is not resting on the leg supports; or liquid has accumulated on the internal floating roof; or the seal is detached; or there are holes or tears in the seal fabric; or there are visible gaps between the seal and the wall of the storage tank, within 60 days of the inspection the owner or operator shall repair the items or shall empty and degas the storage tank in accordance with Subchapter F, Division 3 of this chapter (relating to Degassing of Storage Tanks, Transport Vessels, and Marine Vessels).
(B) If a failure cannot be repaired within 60 days and if the storage tank cannot be emptied within 60 days, the owner or operator may submit written requests for up to two extensions of up to 30 additional days each to the appropriate regional office. The owner or operator shall submit a copy to any local air pollution control program with jurisdiction. Each request for an extension must include a statement that alternate storage capacity is unavailable and a schedule that will assure that the repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
(2) For an external floating roof storage tank, the secondary seal gap must be physically measured at least once every 12 months to insure compliance with §115.112(a)(2)(F), (d)(2)(F), and (e)(2)(G) of this title (relating to Control Requirements).
(A) If the secondary seal gap exceeds the limitations specified by §115.112(a)(2)(F), (d)(2)(F), and (e)(2)(G) of this title, within 60 days of the inspection the owner or operator shall repair the items or shall empty and degas the storage tank in accordance with Subchapter F, Division 3 of this chapter.
(B) If a failure cannot be repaired within 60 days and if the storage tank cannot be emptied within 60 days, the owner or operator may submit written requests for up to two extensions of up to 30 additional days each to the appropriate regional office. The owner or operator shall submit a copy to any local air pollution control program with jurisdiction. Each request for an extension must include a statement that alternate storage capacity is unavailable and a schedule that will assure that the repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
(3) If the storage tank is equipped with a mechanical shoe or liquid-mounted primary seal, compliance with §115.112(a)(2)(F), (d)(2)(F), and (e)(2)(G) of this title can be determined by visual inspection.
(4) For an external floating roof storage tank, the secondary seal must be visually inspected at least once every six months to ensure compliance with §115.112(a)(2)(E) and (F), (d)(2)(E) and (F), and (e)(2)(F) and (G) of this title.
(A) If the external floating roof is not resting on the surface of the VOC inside the storage tank and is not resting on the leg supports; or liquid has accumulated on the external floating roof; or the seal is detached; or there are holes or tears in the seal fabric; or there are visible gaps between the seal and the wall of the storage tank, within 60 days of the inspection the owner or operator shall repair the items or shall empty and degas the storage tank in accordance with Subchapter F, Division 3 of this chapter.
(B) If a failure cannot be repaired within 60 days and if the storage tank cannot be emptied within 60 days, the owner or operator may submit written requests for up to two extensions of up to 30 additional days each to the appropriate regional office. The owner or operator shall submit a copy to any local air pollution control program with jurisdiction. Each request for an extension must include a statement that alternate storage capacity is unavailable and a schedule that will assure that the repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
(5) For fixed roof storage tanks in the Bexar County, Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria areas, storing crude oil or condensate prior to custody transfer or at a pipeline breakout station for which the owner or operator is required by §115.112(e) of this title to control flashed gases, the owner or operator shall inspect and repair all closure devices not connected to a vapor recovery unit or other vapor control device according to the schedule in this paragraph.
(A) The owner or operator shall conduct an audio, visual, and olfactory inspection of each closure device not connected to a vapor recovery unit or other vapor control device to ensure compliance with §115.112(e)(7)(A) of this title. The inspection must occur when liquids are not being added to or unloaded from the tank. If the owner or operator finds the closure device open for reasons not allowed in §115.112(e)(7)(A) of this title, the owner or operator shall attempt to close the device during the inspection. The inspection must occur before the end of one business day after each opening of a thief or access hatch for sampling or gauging, and before the end of one business day after each unloading event. If multiple events occur on a single day, a single inspection within one business day after the last event is sufficient.
(B) The owner or operator shall conduct an audio, visual, and olfactory inspection of all gaskets and vapor sealing surfaces of each closure device not connected to a vapor recovery unit or other vapor control device once per calendar quarter to ensure compliance with §115.112(e)(7)(B) of this title. If the owner or operator finds an improperly sealed closure device, the owner or operator shall make a first attempt at repair no later than five calendar days after the inspection and repair the device no later than 15 calendar days after the inspection unless delay of repair is allowed. If parts are unavailable, repair may be delayed. Parts must be ordered promptly and the repair must be completed within five days of receipt of required parts. Repair may be delayed until the next shutdown if the repair of the component would require a shutdown that would create more emissions than the repair would eliminate. Repair must be completed by the end of the next shutdown. For the purpose of this subparagraph, a repair is complete if the closure device no longer exudes process gasses based on sight, smell, or sound.
(b) The following inspection requirements apply in Gregg, Nueces, and Victoria Counties.
(1) For an internal floating roof storage tank, the following inspection requirements apply.
(A) If during an inspection of an internal floating roof storage tank, the internal floating roof is not resting on the surface of the VOC inside the storage tank and is not resting on the leg supports; or liquid has accumulated on the internal floating roof; or the seal is detached; or there are holes or tears in the seal fabric; or there are visible gaps between the seal and the wall of the storage tank, within 60 days of the inspection the owner or operator shall repair the items or shall empty and degas the storage tank.
(B) If a failure cannot be repaired within 60 days and if the storage tank cannot be emptied within 60 days, the owner or operator may submit written requests for up to two extensions of up to 30 additional days each to the appropriate regional office. The owner or operator shall submit a copy to any local air pollution control program with jurisdiction. Each request for an extension must include a statement that alternate storage capacity is unavailable and a schedule that will assure that the repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
(2) For an external floating roof storage tank, the secondary seal gap must be physically measured at least once every 12 months to insure compliance with §115.112(b)(2)(F) of this title.
(A) If the secondary seal gap exceeds the limitations specified by §115.112(b)(2)(F) of this title, within 60 days of the inspection the owner or operator shall repair the items or shall empty and degas the storage tank.
(B) If a failure cannot be repaired within 60 days and if the storage tank cannot be emptied within 60 days, the owner or operator may submit written requests for up to two extensions of up to 30 additional days each to the appropriate regional office. The owner or operator shall submit a copy to any local air pollution control program with jurisdiction. Each request for an extension must include a statement that alternate storage capacity is unavailable and a schedule that will assure that the repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
(3) If the storage tank is equipped with a mechanical shoe or liquid-mounted primary seal, compliance with §115.112(b)(2)(F) of this title can be determined by visual inspection.