The following exemptions apply in the Beaumont-Port Arthur, Bexar County, Dallas-Fort Worth, El Paso, and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria areas.
(1) Any plant with an annual volatile organic compounds (VOC) loading in wastewater, as determined in accordance with §115.148 of this title (relating to Determination of Wastewater Characteristics), less than or equal to ten megagrams (Mg) (11.03 tons) is exempt from the control requirements of §115.142 of this title (relating to Control Requirements).
(2) At any plant with an annual VOC loading in wastewater, as determined in accordance with §115.148 of this title greater than ten Mg (11.03 tons), any person who is the owner or operator of the plant may exempt from the control requirements of §115.142 of this title one or more affected VOC wastewater streams for which the sum of the annual VOC loading in wastewater for all of the exempted streams is less than or equal to ten Mg (11.03 tons).
(3) Unless specifically required by this division (relating to Industrial Wastewater), any piece of equipment of a wastewater storage, handling, transfer, or treatment facility to which the control requirements of §115.142 of this title apply is exempt from the requirements of any other division of this chapter. This paragraph does not apply to pieces of equipment or components which are subject to the requirements of Subchapter D, Division 3, and/or Subchapter H of this chapter (relating to Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing, and Petrochemical Processes in Ozone Nonattainment Areas; and Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds).
(4) If compliance with the control requirements of §115.142 of this title would create a safety hazard in a component of a wastewater storage, handling, transfer, or treatment facility, the owner or operator may request the executive director to exempt that component from the control requirements of §115.142 of this title. The executive director shall approve the request if justified by the likelihood and magnitude of the potential injury and if the executive director determines that reducing or eliminating the hazard is technologically or economically unreasonable based on the emissions reductions that would be achieved.
(5) Wet weather retention basins are exempt from the requirements of this division.
(6) Petroleum refineries in the Beaumont-Port Arthur area are exempt from the requirements of this division.
(7) The following exemptions apply to petroleum refineries in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria area.
(A) Petroleum refineries are exempt from the requirement in §115.142 of this title that after December 31, 2002, the control requirements apply from the point of generation of an affected VOC wastewater stream until the affected VOC wastewater stream is either returned to a process unit, or is treated to reduce the VOC content of the wastewater stream by 90% by weight and also reduce the VOC content of the same VOC wastewater stream to less than 1,000 parts per million by weight, provided that petroleum refineries continue to apply the requirement in §115.142 of this title that the control requirements apply from the point of generation of an affected VOC wastewater stream until the affected VOC wastewater stream is either returned to a process unit, or is treated to remove VOC so that the wastewater stream no longer meets the definition of an affected VOC wastewater stream.
(B) Junction boxes are exempt from the requirements of §115.142(1)(D)(ii) of this title, provided that after December 31, 2002 they continue to comply with the requirements of §115.142(1)(D)(i) of this title.
(C) Properly operated biotreatment units are exempt from the requirements of §§115.142(3), 115.144(4), and 115.145(7) and (8) of this title (relating to Control Requirements; Inspection and Monitoring Requirements; and Approved Test Methods).
Source Note: The provisions of this §115.147 adopted to be effective May 27, 1994, 19 TexReg 3703; amended to be effective January 27, 1995, 20 TexReg 221; amended to be effective May 22, 1997, 22 TexReg 4213; amended to be effective November 18, 1999, 24 TexReg 10095; amended to be effective May 16, 2002, 27 TexReg 4113; amended to be effective January 17, 2003, 28 TexReg 113; amended to be effective May 16, 2024, 49 TexReg 3292