For the Houston/Galveston, El Paso, and Dallas/Fort Worth ozone nonattainment areas, the following recordkeeping requirements shall apply.
(1) For municipal solid waste landfills (MSWLF), which are not subject to the requirements of §115.152 of this title (relating to Control Requirements), the owner or operator of each landfill shall maintain complete and up-to-date records sufficient to demonstrate continuous compliance with the applicable exemption criteria including, but not limited to, an annual calculation of the non-methane organic compounds (NMOC) emissions rate and any other necessary operational information.
(2) For MSWLF, which are subject to the requirements of §115.152 of this title, the owner or operator of each landfill shall install and maintain monitors to continuously measure and record operational parameters of any emission control device installed to meet applicable control requirements. Such records must be sufficient to demonstrate proper functioning of those devices to design specifications, including, but not limited to:
(A) the exhaust gas temperature immediately downstream for any direct-flame incinerator or enclosed flare;
(B) the gas temperature immediately upstream and downstream for any catalytic incinerator or chiller;
(C) the NMOC concentration for any carbon adsorption system exhaust gas to determine if breakthrough has occurred;
(D) the gas flowrate to the combustion device;
(E) monthly readings of the gauge pressure at each well in the gas collection header;
(F) the percent methane concentration at each well in the gas collection header; and
(G) the dates and reasons for any maintenance and repair of the required gas collection and control system and control devices and the estimated quantity and duration of NMOC emissions during such activities.
(3) Each owner or operator of an MSWLF shall annually submit an emissions inventory report as required by §101.10 of this title (relating to Emissions Inventory Requirements). This report shall include:
(A) calculation of the NMOC emission rate;
(B) a map or plot of the landfill, providing the size and location, and identifying all areas where waste may be landfilled according to the provisions of the permit;
(C) the maximum design capacity;
(D) notification of any increase in the size of the landfill. The increase may result from:
(i) an increase in the permitted area or depth of the landfill;
(ii) a change in the operating procedures; or
(iii) any other means which will increase the maximum design capacity of the landfill; and
(E) notification of closure.
(i) For purposes of this subchapter, closure means that waste is no longer being placed in the landfill, and no additional wastes will be placed in the landfill without filing a notification of modification, as prescribed by the commission.
(ii) Landfills that are closed permanently between reporting periods shall report as directed by §101.10 of this title and continue reporting until the calculated NMOC emission rate falls below 150 Mg per year on three successive test dates. The test dates shall be no closer than three months apart, and no longer than six months apart.
Source Note: The provisions of this §115.156 adopted to be effective December 3, 1993, 18 TexReg 8538; amended to be effective May 27, 1994, 19 TexReg 3703; amended to be effective May 22, 1997, 22 TexReg 4213.