All continuing education taken by midwives for the purpose of obtaining or renewing a midwifery license must be in accordance with this section.
(1) Courses may be offered by any individual or organization that meets the requirements for course approval established by this section.
(2) Course curriculum must provide an educational experience which:
(A) covers established knowledge or new developments in the fields of midwifery or related disciplines; and
(B) shall be presented in standard contact hour increments for continuing health education.
(3) Course coordinators and instructors.
(A) Course coordinators shall obtain course approval, register and certify participant attendance, and provide attendance certificates to participants following the course.
(B) Course instructors shall have training and/or credentials appropriate for the course material they will teach.
(4) Course approval. To be approved by the department, a continuing education course must:
(A) satisfy the requirements of paragraph (2); and
(B) be provided or accredited by one of the following bodies:
(i) a professional midwifery, nursing, social work, or medical association;
(ii) a college, a university, or a basic midwifery education course;
(iii) a nursing, medical, or health care organization;
(iv) a state board of nursing or medicine;
(v) a department of health; or
(vi) a hospital.
Source Note: The provisions of this §115.25 adopted to be effective October 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4477; amended to be effective September 1, 2023, 48 TexReg 4660