(a) Except as specified in subsection (d) of this section, the owner or operator of application processes located on a property with actual combined emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) less than 3.0 tons per calendar year, when uncontrolled, from all adhesives, adhesive primers, and solvents used during related cleaning operations, is exempt from the requirements of this division, except as specified in §115.478(b)(2) of this title (relating to Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements). When calculating the VOC emissions, adhesives and adhesive primers that are exempt under subsections (b) and (c) of this section are excluded.
(b) Except as specified in subsection (d) of this section, the following application processes are exempt from the VOC limits in §115.473(a) of this title (relating to Control Requirements) and the application system requirements in §115.473(b) of this title:
(1) adhesives or adhesive primers being tested or evaluated in any research and development, quality assurance, or analytical laboratory;
(2) adhesives or adhesive primers used in the assembly, repair, or manufacture of aerospace components or undersea-based weapon system components;
(3) adhesives or adhesive primers used in medical equipment manufacturing operations;
(4) cyanoacrylate adhesive application processes;
(5) aerosol adhesive and aerosol adhesive primer application processes;
(6) polyester-bonding putties used to assemble fiberglass parts at fiberglass boat manufacturing properties and at other reinforced plastic composite manufacturing properties; and
(7) processes using adhesives and adhesive primers that are supplied to the manufacturer in containers with a net volume of 16 ounces or less or a net weight of 1.0 pound or less.
(c) Except as specified in subsection (d) of this section, the owner or operator of any process or operation subject to another division of this chapter that specifies VOC content limits for adhesives or adhesive primers used during any of the application processes listed in §115.473(a) of this title, is exempt from the requirements in this division. Adhesives and adhesive primers used for miscellaneous metal and plastic parts surface coating processes in §115.453(a)(1)(C) - (F) and (2) of this title (related to Control Requirements) meeting a specialty application process definition in §115.470 of this title (relating to Applicability and Definitions) are not included in this exemption. Contact adhesives are not included in this exemption. When an adhesive or adhesive primer meets more than one adhesive application process definition in §115.470 of this title, the least stringent applicable VOC content limit applies.
(d) If the commission publishes notice in the Texas Register, as provided in §115.479(c) of this title (relating to Compliance Schedules) for either the Dallas-Fort Worth area or §115.479(d) of this title for the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria area, or both areas, to require compliance with the contingency measure control requirements of §115.473(e) of this title for the Dallas-Fort Worth area and/or §115.473(f) of this title for the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria area, then the exemptions in subsections (a) - (c) of this section are no longer available, and the following exemptions apply in the applicable area as of the compliance date specified in §115.479(c) or (e) of this title.
(1) The owner or operator of application processes who demonstrates that the total volume of noncompliant products, including all adhesives, adhesive primers, and solvents used during related cleaning operations, located on the property is less than 55 gallons per calendar year is exempt from the requirements of this division, except as specified in §115.478(b)(2) of this title. The owner or operator may not use this paragraph to exclude noncompliant adhesives used in architectural applications; contact adhesives; special purpose contact adhesives; adhesives used on porous substrates; rubber vulcanization adhesives and top and trim adhesives.
(2) The requirements in §115.473(e) and (f) do not apply to:
(A) adhesives or adhesive primers used in the assembly, repair, or manufacture of aerospace components;
(B) adhesive tape;
(C) aerosol adhesives and primers dispensed from non-refillable aerosol spray systems;
(D) regulated products sold in quantities of one fluid ounce or less;
(E) adhesives used to glue flowers to parade floats;
(F) adhesives used to fabricate orthotics and prosthetics under a medical doctor's prescription;
(G) shoe repair, luggage, and handbag adhesives;
(H) research and development programs and quality assurance labs;
(I) solvent welding operations used in the manufacturing of medical devices; or
(J) adhesives used in tire repair.
Source Note: The provisions of this §115.471 adopted to be effective December 29, 2011, 36 TexReg 8897; amended to be effective June 25, 2015, 40 TexReg 3907; amended to be effective May 16, 2024, 49 TexReg 3292