(a) To demonstrate initial compliance with the provisions of §115.552(a)(1)(A) of this title (relating to Control Requirements), the owner or operator of an affected facility shall perform an initial test to verify that the flow rate of recovered solvent from the recovery dryer is no greater than 1.7 fluid ounces per minute (50 milliliters per minute) at the termination of the recovery cycle. The test shall be conducted for the duration of one week during which no less than 50% of the dryer loads shall be monitored for their final recovered solvent flow rate. The location point for measuring the flow rate of recovered solvent shall be the outlet of the solvent-water separator. Near the end of the recovery cycle the entire flow of recovered solvent shall be diverted to a graduated cylinder. As the recovered solvent collects in the graduated cylinder the elapsed time is monitored and recorded in periods of greater than or equal to one minute. At the same time, the volume of solvent in the graduated cylinder is monitored and recorded to determine the volume of recovered solvent that is collected during each time period. The recovered solvent flow rate is calculated by dividing the volume of solvent collected per period by the length of time elapsed during the period and converting the results with appropriate factors into units of ounces or milliliters per minute. The recovery cycle and the monitoring procedure should continue until the flow rate of solvent is less than or equal to 1.7 fluid ounces per minute (50 milliliters per minute).
(b) To demonstrate initial compliance with the provisions of §115.552(a)(1)(C) of this title (relating to Control Requirements), the owner or operator of an affected facility shall apply the following test methods, as appropriate:
(1) Test Methods 1-4 (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 60, Appendix A) for determining flow rate, as necessary;
(2) Test Method 18 (40 CFR 60, Appendix A) for determining gaseous organic compound emissions by gas chromatography;
(3) Test Method 25 (40 CFR 60, Appendix A) for determining total gaseous non-methane organic emissions as carbon;
(4) Test Methods 25A (40 CFR 60, Appendix A) for determining total gaseous organic concentrations using flame ionization or nondispersive infrared analysis; or
(5) one of the above test methods with minor modifications as approved by the executive director.
Source Note: The provisions of this §115.555 adopted to be effective May 27, 1994, 19 TexReg 3703.