(a) Except for pressure relief valves as defined in §115.10 of this title (relating to Definitions), each vent gas stream that is not controlled by a flare at a site must be tested by applying the appropriate reference method tests and procedures specified in §115.125 of this title (relating to Testing Requirements) to establish maximum potential highly-reactive volatile organic compound (HRVOC) hourly emission data expected during any operation not defined as an emissions event or a scheduled maintenance, startup, or shutdown activity under §101.1 of this title (relating to Definitions). The data shall be used in accordance with the test plan required under §115.726 of this title (relating to Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements) to demonstrate compliance with the control requirement of §115.722(a) - (c) of this title (relating to Site-wide Cap and Control Requirements). For cyclic or batch processes, the HRVOC emissions shall be considered as zero during non-operational periods other than startup, shutdown, or maintenance activities.
(1) For each uncontrolled vent subject to the requirements of this subsection, the owner or operator shall:
(A) select an operational parameter or parameters that directly affects the HRVOC emissions from the vent;
(B) install, calibrate, maintain, and operate according to manufacturer's recommendations, a continuous monitoring system to monitor and record the parameter or parameters selected under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; and
(C) establish operating limits for the selected parameter or parameters as the hourly average of the parameter or parameters during the HRVOC emission test required under this subsection.
(2) For each vent subject to the requirements of this subsection that is controlled by a control device other than a flare, the owner or operator shall:
(A) select an operational parameter or parameters that directly affects the HRVOC emissions directed to the control device;
(B) select an operational parameter or parameters of the control device that directly affects the control efficiency of the control device;
(C) install, calibrate, maintain, and operate according to manufacturer recommendations, continuous monitoring systems to monitor and record the parameters selected under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph; and
(D) establish operating limits for the selected parameters required under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph as the hourly averages of the parameters during the HRVOC emission test required under this subsection.
(3) To demonstrate compliance with the control requirements of §115.722(a) - (c) of this title during emission events and scheduled startup, shutdown, and maintenance activities, the owner or operator shall determine the HRVOC emissions from each vent using one of the following:
(A) testing using the appropriate reference methods and procedures specified in this section; or
(B) process knowledge and engineering calculations. If process knowledge and engineering calculations are used to determine HRVOC emissions during emission events and scheduled startup, shutdown, and maintenance activities, the monitoring plans required under paragraph (4) of this subsection must also include all process information and calculations used to calculate the HRVOC emissions.
(4) The owner or operator shall develop, implement, and follow a written monitoring plan for the continuous monitoring systems required in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection prior to performing the monitoring and testing under this subsection. Upon written request by the executive director, the monitoring plans shall be submitted within 30 days for review. The executive director may require additional or alternative monitoring requirements. At a minimum, monitoring plans shall include:
(A) specifications for all monitors used in the continuous monitoring systems;
(B) process and control device information supporting the selection of parameters;
(C) actual testing or manufacturer data documenting the control efficiency of the control device; and
(D) schedule of quarterly inspections of the continuous monitoring systems to insure proper operation.
(5) After the initial HRVOC emission test required under this subsection, the owner or operator may perform additional emission testing to update the data used to demonstrate compliance with the control requirements of §115.722(a) - (c) of this title. Written notification of the testing must be submitted to the Houston Regional Office as specified in §115.726(a)(2) of this title.
(6) Testing using the appropriate reference methods and procedures specified in §115.125 of this title that was conducted prior to December 31, 2004, may be used in lieu of conducting the testing specified in this subsection, provided that:
(A) the owner or operator of the affected source obtains approval for the testing report and data from the executive director if the prior testing was not performed as a demonstration of compliance with an applicable state permit, other state rule, or federal regulation, and the test report submitted to the commission; and
(B) the testing establishes maximum potential HRVOC emissions data expected during any operation that is not defined as an emissions event or a scheduled maintenance, startup, or shutdown activity under §101.1 of this title.
(C) the operational parameters selected as required under paragraphs (1) or (2) of this subsection were monitored at the time of testing with a monitoring system meeting the requirements of this subsection or an equivalent monitoring system. If the prior testing meets all provisions under this paragraph and is used to satisfy the testing requirement of this subsection, then the owner or operator shall comply with the monitoring system and written monitoring plan requirements of this subsection by no later than the compliance schedule in §115.729 of this title (relating to Counties and Compliance Schedules) instead of the time required in paragraph (4) of this subsection.
(7) The executive director may waive testing for no more than one-half of the vents that are identical in design and operation if the owner or operator demonstrates that all the vents are identical in design and operation, and the emissions from all of the vents can be expected to be identical.
(A) The request for a waiver shall be submitted with the test plan required under §115.726(a) of this title. Information required to support the waiver request shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(i) identification of each vent expected to be identical;
(ii) each specific vent to be tested;
(iii) a detailed technical explanation demonstrating that the measured emissions from the selected vents can be expected to be representative of emissions from all vents;
(iv) specific technical information for each vent and the process associated with each vent demonstrating that the vents and associated processes are identical in design and operation;
(v) maintenance records for each vent and associated process demonstrating the vents and associated processes have been maintained in a similar manner; and
(vi) any additional information or data requested by the executive director necessary to demonstrate that the emissions from the vents can be expected to be identical.
(B) The executive director shall review the request for waiver and may provide a temporary waiver authorizing testing of no more than one-half of the vents. The results of the tests must be submitted to the executive director no later than 60 days after completion of testing. The executive director will determine if any further testing is required based on the review of the test results. If further testing is required, the owner or operator must perform the additional testing no later than 60 days after receiving written notification from the executive director.
(C) To demonstrate compliance with the control requirements of §115.722(a) - (c) of this title, the HRVOC emission test results from the vent gas stream with the maximum HRVOC emission rate of those vents tested under this paragraph must be used for those vent gas streams for which a waiver of testing, temporary or permanent, has been authorized.
(b) The following alternatives may be used in lieu of the testing requirements of subsection (a) of this section, for vent gas streams that are not controlled by a flare or are not pressure relief valves. The vent gas stream must comply with the process parameter monitoring requirements of subsection (a) of this section, except as specified in paragraph (1)(D) of this subsection.
(1) The vent gas stream may be equipped with a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS), provided that:
(A) the CEMS meets the monitoring requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §60.13(b) and (d) - (f);