(a) Membership shall consist of senior administrators and representatives of Texas public junior colleges with knowledge of the current funding formulas and the educational goals of the state.
(b) Membership on the committee should include:
(1) Representatives of each accountability group;
(2) Presidents or Chancellors;
(3) Chief Financial or Academic Officers; and
(4) Institutional Research or other expert campus representatives.
(c) The number of committee members shall not exceed twelve (12).
(d) The Commissioner shall recommend members to the Board for appointment.
(e) The Commissioner shall select the presiding officer, who will be responsible for conducting meetings and conveying committee recommendations to the Board and the Commissioner.
(f) Each member shall serve a three-year staggered term, unless otherwise provided by the Commissioner. A member may serve more than one term.
(g) The committee may appoint subcommittees or workgroups as necessary to complete the work.
Source Note: The provisions of this §1.158 adopted to be effective February 15, 2024, 49 TexReg 661