All permit fees will be remitted in the form of a check, certified check, electronic funds transfer, or money order made payable to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) or TCEQ and delivered with the application for permit or amendment to the TCEQ, P.O. Box 13088, MC 214, Austin, Texas 78711-3088. Fees must be paid at the time an application for a permit or amendment is submitted. Applications will not be considered for review nor will any time constraints required of TCEQ for application processing begin until a fee is received.
(1) Single fee. The executive director shall charge only one fee for multiple permits issued for one project if it is determined that the following conditions are met:
(A) all the component or separate processes being permitted are integral or related to the overall project;
(B) the project is under continuous construction of the component parts;
(C) the permitted facilities are to be located on the same or contiguous property; and
(D) applications for all permits for the project must be submitted at the same time.
(2) Return of fees. No fees will be refunded after a deficient application has been voided or after a permit or amendment has been issued by the agency. Fees will be returned under the following conditions.
(A) If no permit or amendment is issued by the agency or if the applicant withdraws the application prior to issuance of the permit or amendment, one-half of the fee will be refunded.
(B) The fee difference will be refunded if a permit application is withdrawn because the proposed construction or modification is determined to meet the requirements of:
(i) a standard permit issued under Subchapter F of this chapter (relating to Standard Permits);
(ii) a permit by rule under Chapter 106 of this title (relating to Permits by Rule); or
(iii) the conditions of §116.119 of this title (relating to De Minimis Facilities or Sources).
Source Note: The provisions of this §116.143 adopted to be effective September 13, 1993, 18 TexReg 5746; amended to be effective July 8, 1998, 23 TexReg 6973; amended to be effective October 20, 2002, 27 TexReg 9616; amended to be effective September 14, 2003, 28 TexReg 7763