(a) The requirements of this subchapter apply to best available retrofit technology (BART)-eligible sources as defined in §116.1500 of this title (relating to Definitions).
(b) The owner or operator of a BART-eligible source may demonstrate, using a model and modeling guidelines approved by the executive director, that the source does not contribute to visibility impairment at a Class I area. A BART-eligible source that does not contribute to visibility impairment at any Class I area is not subject to the requirements of §116.1520 or §116.1530 of this title (relating to Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Analysis and Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Control Implementation). A source is considered to not contribute to visibility impairment if, as demonstrated by modeling performed by the executive director or performed in accordance with the guidelines approved by the executive director, it causes a visibility impairment of less than 0.5 deciviews at all Class I areas. The modeling demonstration must be submitted under seal of a Texas licensed professional engineer and must be received by the commission's Air Permits Division no later than April 30, 2007.
(c) The following BART-eligible sources are not subject to the requirements of §116.1520 or §116.1530 of this title for the indicated pollutant(s). Owners or operators claiming exemption under this subsection shall maintain records sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the exemption criteria, and shall make such records available upon request of personnel from the commission or any local air pollution control agency having jurisdiction.
(1) Any BART-eligible source that has the potential to emit less than 500 tons per year of combined nitrogen oxides (NO x ) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) and that is located more than 50 kilometers from any Class I area is not subject to BART for NOx and SO2.
(2) Any BART-eligible source that has the potential to emit less than 1,000 tons per year of combined NOx and SO2 and that is located more than 100 kilometers from any Class I area is not subject to BART for NO x and SO2.
(3) Any BART-eligible source that has the potential to emit less than 40 tons per year of NOx or 40 tons per year of SO2 is not subject to BART for NOx or SO2, respectively. Any BART-eligible source that has the potential to emit less than 15 tons per year of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers (PM10 ) is not subject to BART for PM10 .
(d) BART-eligible electric generating units participating in the Clean Air Interstate Rule Trading Program are not subject to the requirements of §116.1520 or §116.1530 of this title for NO x and SO2.
(e) Any BART-eligible source that has been screened out by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality-conducted screening modeling is not subject to the requirements of §116.1520 or §116.1530 of this title, for the specified pollutant(s), if the owner or operator has reviewed the modeling inputs for that source and the executive director receives written certification that the inputs are correct no later than February 28, 2007.
Source Note: The provisions of this §116.1510 adopted to be effective February 1, 2007, 32 TexReg 318