Any application for a new plant-wide applicability limit (PAL) permit or PAL permit amendment must be completed and signed by an authorized representative. In order to be granted a PAL permit or PAL permit amendment, the owner or operator of the proposed facility shall submit information to the commission that demonstrates that all of the following information is submitted:
(1) a list of all facilities, or emissions units at a major stationary source, that emit the PAL pollutant, including their registration or permit number, their potential to emit, and the expected maximum capacity. In addition, the owner or operator of the source shall indicate which, if any, federal or state applicable requirements, emission limitations, or work practices apply to each unit;
(2) calculations of the baseline actual emissions with supporting documentation;
(3) the calculation procedures that the permit holder proposes to use to convert the monitoring system data to monthly emissions and annual emissions based on a 12-month rolling total for each month; and
(4) the monitoring and recordkeeping proposed satisfy the requirements of §116.186 of this title (relating to General and Special Conditions) for each PAL.
Source Note: The provisions of this §116.182 adopted to be effective February 1, 2006, 31 TexReg 515; amended to be effective March 3, 2011, 36 TexReg 1305