(a) Any increase in a plant-wide applicability limit (PAL) must be made through amendment. Amendment applications must also include the information identified in §116.182 of this title (relating to Plant-wide Applicability Limit Permit Application) for new and modified facilities contributing to the increase in emissions so as to cause the major stationary source's emissions to equal or exceed its PAL and are subject to the public notice requirements under §116.194 of this title (relating to Public Notice and Comment).
(1) As part of this application, the major stationary source owner or operator shall demonstrate that the sum of the baseline actual emissions of the small facilities, plus the sum of the baseline actual emissions of the significant and major facilities assuming application of federal best available control technology (BACT) (as identified in §116.160(c)(1)(A) of this title (relating to Prevention of Significant Deterioration Requirements)) equivalent controls, plus the sum of the allowable emissions of the new or modified facilities exceeds the PAL. The level of control that would result from federal BACT equivalent controls on each significant or major facility shall be determined by conducting a new federal BACT analysis at the time the application is submitted, unless the facility is currently required to comply with a federal BACT or lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) requirement that was established within the preceding ten years. In such a case, the assumed control level for that emissions unit shall be equal to the level of federal BACT or LAER with which that emissions unit must currently comply.
(2) The owner or operator shall obtain a major new source review permit under applicable provision of Subchapter B, Division 5 and Division 6 of this chapter (relating to Nonattainment Review Permits; and Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review, respectively) for all facilities contributing to the increase in emissions so as to cause the major stationary source's emissions to equal or exceed its PAL, regardless of the magnitude of the emissions increase. These facilities shall comply with any emissions requirements resulting from the major new source review process.
(3) The PAL permit shall require that the increased PAL level be effective on the day any emission unit that is part of the PAL major modification becomes operational and begins to emit the PAL pollutant.
(4) The new PAL shall be the sum of the allowable emissions for each modified or new facility, plus the sum of the baseline actual emissions of the significant and major emissions units after the application of federal BACT equivalent controls as identified in paragraph (1) of this subsection, plus the sum of the baseline actual emissions of the small emissions units.
(b) Changes to PAL permits that do not require the PAL to be increased must be completed through permit alteration. Unless allowed in the PAL permit special conditions, the permit holder shall submit an alteration request prior to start of construction for physical modifications to facilities or installation of new facilities under the PAL. Approval must be received from the executive director prior to start of operation of the facilities if the emissions from the new or modified facilities may exceed 100 tons per year.
(c) Acceptance of a PAL permit is agreement by the permit holder for the executive director to reopen the PAL permit consistent with the requirements of §116.194 of this title for any actions in paragraphs (1) or (2) of this subsection.
(1) During the PAL effective period, the executive director shall reopen the PAL permit to:
(A) correct typographical or calculation errors made in setting the PAL or reflect a more accurate determination of emissions used to establish the PAL;
(B) decrease the PAL limit the owner or operator of the major stationary source creates creditable emissions reductions that meet the requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §51.165(a)(3)(ii) for use as offsets; and
(C) revise the PAL to reflect an increase in the PAL provided the owner or operator complies with the requirements of 40 CFR §52.21(aa)(11) and §51.165(f)(11).
(2) During the PAL effective period, the executive director may reopen the PAL permit for the following:
(A) revise the PAL to reflect newly applicable federal requirements (for example, New Source Performance Standards) with compliance dates after the PAL effective date;
(B) revise the PAL to be consistent with any other requirement, that is enforceable as a practical matter, and that the State may impose on the major stationary source under the state Implementation Plan; or
(C) reduce the PAL if the reviewing authority determines that a reduction is necessary to avoid causing or contributing to a National Ambient Air Quality Standard or Prevention of Significant Deterioration increment violation, or to an adverse impact on an air quality related value that has been identified for a Federal Class I area by a federal land manager and for which information is available to the general public.
Source Note: The provisions of this §116.192 adopted to be effective February 1, 2006, 31 TexReg 515; amended to be effective March 3, 2011, 36 TexReg 1305