The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Act--Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 455, relating to the regulation of massage therapists, massage therapy instructors, massage schools, and massage establishments.
(2) Anatomy--The study of the structure of the human body including the following areas: bones, joints and muscles, the skin, blood and blood vessels, cells, tissues and membranes, the heart, the brain, spinal cord and nerves, the lymphatic system, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the urinary system, the reproductive system, glands and hormones.
(3) Applicant--A person who submits an application to the department. The term includes: owner, owner's agent, operator, principal, officer, or general manager of the applicant.
(4) Business practices and professional ethics--The study of standard bookkeeping and accounting practices, office practices, and advertising, and ethical guidelines for massage therapists established by law or the department.
(5) Client--An individual or patron seeking or receiving massage therapy services.
(6) Commission--The Texas Commission on Licensing and Regulation.
(7) Compensation--Any and all forms of payment as remuneration for the provision of massage therapy or other massage therapy services, including but not limited to, fees, tips, memberships, goods, services, barter, or any other exchange or any value made to or on behalf of a licensee, an unlicensed person, or an unlicensed business. Compensation includes discounted, reduced, or waived student fees for tuition, books, supplies, or other educational expenses.
(8) Department--The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
(9) Distance learning--A formal instructional process in which the student and instructor are separated by physical distance and communication technology is used to deliver instruction to the student. The process may also be known as "distance education."
(10) Executive Director --The executive director of the department.
(11) Health and hygiene--The study of recognized methods of sanitation and cleanliness including prophylaxis or disease prevention as applied to massage therapy services and current knowledge of elements of healthy life styles.
(12) Hydrotherapy--The use of generally accepted methods of external application of water for its mechanical, thermal, or chemical effect.
(13) Instructor--A person employed at a licensed massage school who instructs one or more students in any section of the course of instruction, other than massage therapy techniques, manipulation of soft tissue, or the internship.
(14) Kinesiology--The study of the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of movement of the human body.
(15) Licensee--A person or entity licensed under the Act as a massage therapist, massage school, massage therapy instructor, or massage establishment.
(16) Linens--Includes, but is not limited to, sheets, towels, and robes or cloth materials used on or comes into contact with a client's body during a massage.
(17) Massage school--An entity that:
(A) teaches at a minimum the course of instruction required for a massage therapist license; and
(B) has at least two instructors.
(18) Massage therapist--A person who practices or administers massage therapy or other massage services to a client for compensation. The term includes a licensed massage therapist, therapeutic massage practitioner, massage technician, masseur, masseuse, myotherapist, body massager, body rubber, or any derivation of those titles.
(19) Massage therapy--The manipulation of soft tissue by hand or through a mechanical or electrical apparatus for the purpose of body massage. The term includes effleurage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (percussion), compression, vibration, friction, nerve strokes, and Swedish gymnastics. Massage therapy may include the use of oil, lubricant, salt glows, heat lamps, hot and cold packs, or tub, shower, jacuzzi, sauna, steam or cabinet baths. Equivalent terms for massage therapy are massage, therapeutic massage, massage technology, myo-therapy, body massage, body rub, or any derivation of those terms. Massage therapy is a health care service when the massage is for therapeutic purposes. The terms "therapy" and "therapeutic" do not include diagnosis, the treatment of illness or disease, or any service or procedure for which a license to practice medicine, chiropractic, physical therapy, or podiatry is required by law. Massage therapy does not constitute the practice of chiropractic.
(20) Massage therapy educational program--The minimum 500 hour supervised course of instruction described in the Act, §455.156, required for licensure and provided by a licensed massage school.
(21) Massage therapy establishment--A place of business that advertises or offers massage therapy or other massage services unless specifically exempted by the Act. The term includes a place of business that advertises or offers any service described by a derivation of the terms "massage therapy" or "other massage services" as defined by the Act.
(22) Massage therapy instructor--A licensed massage therapist who provides to one or more students instruction approved by the department in massage therapy or manipulation of soft tissue and who holds a license issued by the department as a massage therapy instructor.
(23) Owner--An owner is, in the case of a massage school or establishment, an individual, a partnership and any partners, a corporation, or any other legal business entity.
(24) Pathology--The scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences.
(25) Physiology--The study of the normal vital processes of the human body including the processes of cells, tissues, and organs including the contractibility of muscle tissue; coordination through the nervous system; digestion; circulatory; reproduction; and secretions.
(26) State approved educational institution--An institution which is approved by the Texas Education Agency or which is an institution of higher education as defined in the Texas Codes Annotated, Texas Education Code, Chapter 61 or a higher education institution approved by a similar agency in another state.
(27) Student permit--A permit issued by the department to a student enrolled in a licensed massage school which allows the student to practice massage therapy as prescribed by the massage therapy education program.
(28) Swedish gymnastics--Passive and active joint movements, nonspecific stretches, passive and active exercise, or any combination of these.
(29) Swedish massage therapy techniques--The manipulation of soft tissue utilizing effleurage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (percussion), compression, vibration, friction, nerve stroke, and Swedish gymnastics.
Source Note: The provisions of this §117.2 adopted to be effective November 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 4991; amended to be effective May 1, 2018, 43 TexReg 2406; amended to be effective February 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 543; amended to be effective January 1, 2022, 46 TexReg 9029