(a) For Competitive HTC Applications, an Applicant or Development Owner may appeal decisions made by the Department pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code §2306.0321 and §2306.6715 using the process identified in this section. For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments and Direct Loan Developments (not layered with a Competitive HTC Application), an Applicant or Development Owner may appeal decisions made by the Department pursuant to §1.7 of this title (relating to Appeals). Matters that can be appealed include:
(1) A determination regarding the Application's satisfaction of applicable requirements, Subchapter B of this chapter (relating to Site and Development Requirements and Restrictions) and Subchapter C of this chapter (relating to Application Submission Requirements, Ineligibility Criteria, Board Decisions and Waiver of Rules for Applications), pre-application threshold criteria, and underwriting criteria;
(2) The scoring of the Application under the applicable selection criteria;
(3) A recommendation as to the amount of Department funding to be allocated to the Application;
(4) Misplacement of an Application or parts of an Application, mathematical errors in scoring an Application, or procedural errors resulting in unequal consideration of the Applicant's proposal;
(5) Denial of a requested change to a Commitment or Determination Notice;
(6) Denial of a requested change to a loan agreement;
(7) Denial of a requested change to a LURA;
(8) Any Department decision that results in the termination or change in set-aside of an Application; and
(9) Any other matter for which an appeal is permitted under this chapter.
(b) An Applicant or Development Owner may not appeal a decision made regarding an Application filed by or an issue related to another Applicant or Development Owner.
(c) An Applicant or Development Owner must file its appeal in writing with the Department not later than the seventh calendar day after the date the Department publishes the results of any stage of the Application evaluation or otherwise notifies the Applicant or Development Owner of a decision subject to appeal. The appeal must be made by a Person designated to act on behalf of the Applicant or an attorney that represents the Applicant. For Application related appeals, the Applicant must specifically identify the Applicant's grounds for appeal, based on the original Application and additional documentation filed with the original Application as supplemented in accordance with the limitations and requirements of this chapter.
(d) The Executive Director may respond in writing not later than 14 calendar days after the date of actual receipt of the appeal by the Department. If the Applicant is not satisfied with the Executive Director's response to the appeal or the Executive Director does not respond, the Applicant may appeal directly in writing to the Board. While information can be provided in accordance with any rules related to public comment before the Board, full and complete explanation of the grounds for appeal and circumstances warranting the granting of an appeal must be disclosed in the appeal documentation filed with the Executive Director.
(e) An appeal filed with the Board must be received in accordance with Tex. Gov't Code §2306.6715(d).
(f) If there is insufficient time for the Executive Director to respond to a Competitive Housing Tax Credit Application appeal prior to the agenda being posted for the July Board meeting at which awards from the Application Round will be made, the appeal may be posted to the Board agenda prior to the Executive Director's issuance of a response.
(g) Board review of an Application related appeal will be based on the original Application. A witness in an appeal may not present or refer to any document, instrument, or writing not already contained within the Application as reflected in the Department's records.
(h) The decision of the Board regarding an appeal is the final decision of the Department.
(i) The Department will post to its website an appeal filed with the Department or Board and any other document relating to the processing of an Application related appeal. (§2306.6717(a)(5))
Source Note: The provisions of this §11.902 adopted to be effective December 31, 2023, 48 TexReg 7887