(a) Establishment and Purpose. In accordance with Government Code, Chapter 661, Subchapter A-1 (State Employee Family Leave Pool), the comptroller establishes the Employee Family Leave Pool program to provide eligible employees more flexibility in bonding with and caring for children during a child's first year following birth, adoption, or foster placement, and caring for a seriously ill family member or the employee, including pandemic-related illnesses or complications caused by a pandemic.
(b) Guidelines.
(1) Under the Employee Family Leave Pool, an agency employee may voluntarily transfer sick leave or vacation leave earned by the employee to the family leave pool, and employees may apply for leave time under the family leave pool.
(2) The comptroller or deputy comptroller shall designate a pool administrator.
(3) The pool administrator will develop procedures and forms as necessary for the administration of the family leave pool.
(4) Operation of the family leave pool shall be consistent with Government Code, Chapter 661, Subchapter A-1.
Source Note: The provisions of this §1.200 adopted to be effective November 21, 2022, 47 TexReg 7745