(a) If a respondent to whom a notice of hearing with factual allegations is served or provided fails to appear for the hearing, the commission may proceed in the respondent's absence on a default basis.
(b) A default proceeding under this section requires adequate proof of the following:
(1) the notice of hearing to the respondent stated that the allegations listed in the notice could be deemed admitted and that the relief sought in the notice of hearing might be granted by default against the party that fails to appear at the hearing;
(2) the notice of hearing satisfies the requirements of sections 2001.051, 2001.052, and 571.126 of the Government Code; and
(3) the notice of hearing was:
(A) received by the defaulting party; or
(B) as authorized by Chapter 571 of the Government Code and this chapter, sent by regular mail or by certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested, to the party's last known address as shown by the commission's records.
(c) In the absence of adequate proof to support a default, the presiding officer shall continue the hearing and direct commission staff to provide adequate notice of hearing. If adequate notice is unable to be provided, the commission may dismiss the complaint.
(d) Upon receiving the required showing of proof to support a default, the commission may by vote deem admitted the allegations in the notice of hearing and issue a default decision.
Source Note: The provisions of this §12.173 adopted to be effective August 7, 2018, 43 TexReg 5059