Unless otherwise specified in the permit, the following recordkeeping requirements shall become terms and conditions of the permit.
(1) The permit holder shall maintain records of all required monitoring data and support information for a period of at least five years from the date of the monitoring sample, measurement, report, or application. If an applicable requirement or state-only requirement specifies a longer data retention period, the records shall be maintained for at least the period of time specified in the applicable requirement or state-only requirement. The monitoring records shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(A) the date, place as defined in the permit, and time of sampling or measurements;
(B) the date(s) analyses were performed;
(C) the company or entity that performed the analyses;
(D) the analytical techniques or methods used;
(E) the results of such analyses;
(F) the relevant operating conditions which are deemed necessary to characterize emission rates at the time of sampling or measurement;
(G) the data from all calibration and maintenance records;
(H) all strip-chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation; and
(I) copies of all reports required by the permit.
(2) Records may be stored electronically.
(3) All records required to be maintained by this chapter shall be maintained at the location specified in the permit or in the authorization to operate under a general operating permit.
(4) Records required by the permit, including confidential information, shall be provided, upon request, in a legible form, to representatives from the commission or the local air pollution control program having jurisdiction within a reasonable period of time.
(5) The EPA may require that the records be sent directly to the EPA along with any claim of confidentiality. Any confidentiality claim should be made in accordance with federal law, including 40 CFR 2.
(6) Permit holders shall maintain records of the duration of the stay at a site of any temporary source.
Source Note: The provisions of this §122.144 adopted to be effective November 10, 1997, 22 TexReg 10677.