(a) The executive director may issue a general operating permit for numerous similar stationary sources provided the following:
(1) the conditions of the general operating permit provide for compliance with all requirements of this chapter;
(2) the requirements under §122.506 of this title (relating to Public Notice for General Operating Permits) have been satisfied;
(3) the requirements under §122.330 of this title (relating to Affected State Review) have been satisfied;
(4) the requirements under §122.508 this title (relating to Notice and Comment Hearings for General Operating Permits) have been satisfied;
(5) the requirements under §122.350 of this title (relating to EPA Review) have been satisfied.
(b) General operating permits shall not be final until the requirements in §122.360 of this title (relating to Public Petition) have been satisfied.
(c) Each general operating permit shall identify the terms and conditions with which the permit holder shall comply.
(d) The executive director may revise or rescind any general operating permit issued by the executive director.
(1) The executive director may issue an administrative permit revision to a general operating permit provided the following:
(A) the change meets the criteria for an administrative permit revision in §122.211 of this title (relating to Administrative Permit Revisions); and
(B) the conditions of the general operating permit provide for compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
(2) The executive director may issue a minor permit revision provided the following:
(A) the change meets the criteria for a minor permit revision in §122.215 of this title (relating to Minor Permit Revisions);
(B) the conditions of the general operating permit provide for compliance with the requirements of this chapter; and
(C) the requirements of this chapter in §§122.509, 122.330, and 122.350 of this title (relating to Public Announcement for General Operating Permits; Affected State Review; and EPA Review) have been satisfied.
(3) The executive director may issue a significant permit revision provided the following:
(A) the change meets the criteria for a significant permit revision in §122.219 of this title (relating to Significant Permit Revisions);
(B) the conditions of the general operating permit provide for compliance with the requirements of this chapter; and
(C) the requirements of this chapter in §§122.506, 122.330, 122.508, and 122.350 of this title (relating to Public Notice for General Operating Permits; Affected State Review; Notice and Comment Hearings for General Operating Permits; and EPA Review) have been satisfied.
(4) A significant permit revision shall not be final until the requirements in §122.360 of this title have been satisfied.
(5) The executive director may rescind a general operating permit if a notice of the proposed rescission is provided under §122.506 of this title (relating to Public Notice for General Operating Permits).
(e) The executive director shall make a copy of the draft general operating permit accessible to the EPA.
(f) General operating permits must be renewed, consistent with the procedural requirements in subsection (a) of this section, at least every five years after the effective date.
(g) After issuance of a general operating permit, the executive director may combine the general operating permit with a previously issued general operating permit. Notice of this action will be published in the Texas Register and on the commission's publicly accessible electronic media.
Source Note: The provisions of this §122.501 adopted to be effective November 10, 1997, 22 TexReg 10677; amended to be effective March 4, 1999, 24 TexReg 1387; amended to be effective September 4, 2000, 25 TexReg 8688