(a) With the advice of the task force, the comptroller may create advisory committees to assist the task force with its work. The comptroller may prepare and provide to the task force an advisory committee framework statement that identifies:
(1) the purpose and task of the advisory committee;
(2) the geographic area which will be the focus of an advisory committee;
(3) proposed members to the advisory committee in accord with subsection (b) of this section, identifying one of such members to serve as interim presiding officer;
(4) the method and time for the advisory committee to submit its recommendations to the comptroller and task force;
(5) timelines for the completion of work of the committee; and
(6) any other matter that the comptroller determines to be necessary or appropriate.
(b) The comptroller shall propose members for the advisory committee that provide the balance necessary to address economic, environmental, and policy issues related to the specific issue or action under consideration by selecting of the total number of committee members:
(1) one-third of the members to be representatives of affected landowners;
(2) one-third of the members to be representatives of conservation interests; and
(3) one-third of the members to be representatives of municipalities or other affected jurisdictions.
(c) The comptroller may prepare an advisory committee framework with such amendments as deemed appropriate and send the framework to each selected committee member as an appointment to serve on the committee. The comptroller may amend the advisory committee framework at any time.
(d) In the event of a permanent vacancy occurring on the committee at any time, the comptroller may appoint a replacement consistent with subsection (b) of this section.
Source Note: The provisions of this §12.52 adopted to be effective October 18, 2009, 34 TexReg 7205